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Spec Care Dentist.2024 May;


The evaluation of the effectiveness of conventional and pulsating toothbrushes on the oral health of healthy and mentally disabled pediatric patients.

PMID: 38706153




OBJECTIVES: Children, especially the mentally disabled, are generally incapable of obtaining adequate oral hygiene levels by manual brushing due to their lack of knowledge about oral hygiene and their limited motor skills. In order to handle those limited skills, different designs of manual and electric toothbrushes are developed and put on markets. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of pulsating toothbrushes with easy-to-use properties, against conventional toothbrushes and to analyze their benefits on mentally disabled pediatric patients.


31人の健常児と31人の知的障害児(7歳から12歳)がこの研究に参加した。3種類の歯ブラシ(オーラルBパルサー、コルゲート360°マイクロソニックパワー、オーラルBステージ3)の有効性をクロスオーバー研究デザインで調査した。口腔衛生状態を評価するために、DMFT、dft、modified sulcus bleeding index(MOD-SBI)、 approximal plaque index(API)、Green and Vermillion simplified oral hygiene index(G&V OHI-S)の測定を行った。

METHODS: Thirty-one healthy and 31 mentally disabled children (aged between 7 and 12) participated in this study. The effectiveness of three different toothbrushes (Oral-B Pulsar, Colgate 360° Micro Sonic Power, Oral-B Stages 3) was investigated with a cross-over study design. DMFT, dft, modified sulcus bleeding index (MOD-SBI), approximal plaque index (API) and Green and Vermillion simplified oral hygiene index (G&V OHI-S) measurements are performed to evaluate the oral hygiene status.



RESULTS: In the mentally disabled group the manual toothbrush for MOD-SBI, and Colgate 360° Micro Sonic Power for API showed the best results respectively.



CONCLUSION: The ability of tooth brushing was improved both in healthy and in disabled children during this 5 months study. Unfortunately, it was not obvious in disabled children. Persevering training for tooth brushing might be the most important regardless of the kind of toothbrush.