A survey of experience-based preference of Nickel-Titanium rotary files and incidence of fracture among general dentists.
PMID: 23429764
OBJECTIVES: The purpose was to investigate the preference and usage technique of NiTi rotary instruments and to retrieve data on the frequency of re-use and the estimated incidence of file separation in the clinical practice among general dentists.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A survey was disseminated via e-mail and on-site to 673 general dentists. The correlation between the operator's experience or preferred technique and frequency of re-use or incidence of file fracture was assessed.
合計348名(51.7%)の歯科医師から回答があった。最も使用頻度の高いNiTi製インスツルメントはProFile(39.8%)で,次いでProTaperであった.最も好んで使用された調製法は,クラウンダウン(44.6%)であった.回答者の54.3%がNiTiファイルを10回以上再使用していた.NiTiファイルの使用経験と再使用回数には,有意な相関が認められた(p=0.0025).回答者の54.6%が、ファイル分離の経験回数は1年に5回以下と推定している。剥離の頻度は、インスツルメンテーションテクニックと有意な相関があった(p = 0.0003)。
RESULTS: A total of 348 dentists (51.7%) responded. The most frequently used NiTi instruments was ProFile (39.8%) followed by ProTaper. The most preferred preparation technique was crown-down (44.6%). 54.3% of the respondents re-used NiTi files more than 10 times. There was a significant correlation between experience with NiTi files and the number of reuses (p = 0.0025). 54.6% of the respondents estimated experiencing file separation less than 5 times per year. The frequency of separation was significantly correlated with the instrumentation technique (p = 0.0003).
CONCLUSIONS: A large number of general dentists in Korea prefer to re-use NiTi rotary files. As their experience with NiTi files increased, the number of re-uses increased, while the frequency of breakage decreased. Operators who adopt the hybrid technique showed less tendency of separation even with the increased number of re-use.