Relationship between chewing rate and masticatory performance.
PMID: 23795401
下顎運動のタイミングが食物の分解に与える影響は、まだ明らかになっていない。そこで著者らは、咀嚼速度と咀嚼能力との関係を調べた。55名の健康な歯列のある被験者(年齢22.2±5.0歳)を対象に,1分間に習慣的に行われる咀嚼回数と定義される咀嚼速度を測定した.被験者は、得られた値(サイクル/分)に応じて、遅い:70未満、中間:70〜90、速い:90以上に分類した。咀嚼能力は、ふるい分け法で測定し、推定粉砕中央粒径(X50)を求めた。データは、一元配置のANOVAとカイ二乗検定(α=0.05)を用いて分析した。咀嚼速度が遅い被験者は,咀嚼能力が高かった(p < 0.05)(X50 = 3.05 +/- 0.77 mm).X50は、被験者をパフォーマンスの高い人と低い人に分類した場合、咀嚼速度と関連していた(カイ二乗 = 11.25, p < 0.005)。このように,咀嚼速度は咀嚼能力と関連しており,ゆっくりとした咀嚼速度であれば,より小さな食品粒子を得ることができた.
The influence of mandibular movement timing on food breakdown remains unclear. The authors, therefore, sought to relate chewing rate with masticatory performance. Chewing rate, defined as the number of masticatory cycles habitually achieved per minute, was measured in 55 healthy dentulous subjects (age, 22.2 +/- 5.0 years). Subjects were grouped according to obtained values (cycles/minute): slower: < 70; middle: 70-90; and faster: > 90. Masticatory performance was determined through the sieve method, and the estimated comminuted median particle size (X50). Data was analyzed using the one-way ANOVA and chi-square tests (alpha = .05). Subjects with slower chewing rates showed higher (p < .05) masticatory performance (X50 = 3.05 +/- 0.77 mm). X50 was associated with chewing rate when subjects were categorized as better or poorer performers (chi-square = 11.25, p < .005). Thus, chewing rate was related to masticatory performance, with smaller food particles being achieved with a slower chewing rate.