Effect of dental implant surface roughness in patients with a history of periodontal disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
PMID: 30756245 PMCID: PMC6372709. DOI: 10.1186/s40729-019-0156-8.
BACKGROUND: To review the literature on the effect of dental implant surface roughness in patients with a history of periodontal disease. The present review addresses the following focus question: Is there a difference for implant survival, mean marginal bone loss, and the incidence of bleeding on probing in periodontally compromised patients receiving a machined dental implant or rough surface dental implant?
2018年5月までに発表された研究についてPubMed/MEDLINEおよびCochrane Libraryで電子および手動の文献検索を行い、歯周病歴のある患者における機械加工された歯科用インプラント、中程度に粗い歯科用インプラント、粗い歯科用インプラントの表面の効果に関する情報を収集した。アウトカム変数であるインプラントの生存率、平均限界骨量、インプラント周囲炎とプロービング時の出血の発生率を評価した。全体的な累積結果を正確に評価するために、メタアナリシスを行った。
METHODS: Electronic and manual literature searches were conducted on PubMed/MEDLINE and the Cochrane Library on studies published until May 2018 to collect information about the effect of machined, moderately rough, and rough dental implant surfaces in patients with a history of periodontal disease. The outcome variables implant survival, mean marginal bone level, and the incidence of peri-implantitis and bleeding on probing were evaluated. Meta-analysis was performed to obtain an accurate estimation of the overall, cumulative results.
2411の論文のうち、6つの研究がこのシステマティックレビューに含まれた。インプラント生存率とインプラント平均限界骨量のメタ分析の結果、215本のインプラントの合計群で測定したインプラント失敗のリスク比は2.92(CI 95% 0.45, 18.86)、インプラント平均限界骨量の総平均差は-0.09(CI 95% -0.31, 0.14)であり、いずれも統計的に有意ではなかった。
RESULTS: Out of 2411 articles, six studies were included in this systematic review. The meta-analysis of the implant survival and implant mean marginal bone loss revealed a risk ratio of 2.92 (CI 95% 0.45, 18.86) for implant failure and a total mean difference of - 0.09 (CI 95% - 0.31, 0.14) for implant mean marginal bone loss measured in a total group of 215 implants, both not statistically significant.
CONCLUSIONS: Due to lack of long-term data (> 5 years), the heterogeneity and variability in study designs and lack of reporting on confounding factors, definitive conclusions on differences in implant survival, and mean marginal bone loss between machined and moderate rough implants in periodontally compromised patients cannot be drawn. Future well-designed long-term randomized controlled trials are necessary to reveal that machined surfaces are superior to moderately rough and rough surfaces in patients with a history of periodontal disease.