変形性骨腫に対するラジオ波焼灼術における3T MRIおよびCT所見と患者症状および治療成績との相関
Correlation of 3-T MRI and CT findings with patient symptoms and treatment outcome in radiofrequency ablation of osteoid osteoma.
PMID: 31104885 PMCID: PMC6739297. DOI: 10.1016/j.aott.2019.04.015.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate pre- and post-treatment MRI and CT findings of osteoid osteoma (OO) patients treated with radiofrequency thermo-ablation (RFTA) and to compare these findings with visual analog scale (VAS) scores.
METHODS: Sixteen patients (4 females and 12 males; mean age of 18.87 ± 8.75 years (range: 8-37)) with OO were examined with CT and MRI, at baseline and at an average of 3 months following the procedure. On pre- and post-procedural CT and MRIs, OO-related findings were recorded. Treatment success was evaluated with VAS scores.
ベースラインのVASスコアは8または9、フォローアップスコアは0または1で、早期再発はなかった。Nidus径は術後に有意に減少した(CT、MRIのAP、ML、CC nidus径はそれぞれp=0.027、p=0.002、p=0.001、p=0.001)。平均ニダス容積は術後に有意に減少した(p=0.001、CT、MRIとも)。術後の画像では、皮質肥厚、nidusの信号強度とコントラストの増強、骨膜炎の程度が有意に減少していた(それぞれp=0.019、p=0.001、p=0.001、p=0.034)。また、術後の黄疸石灰化、骨膜周囲皮質・髄内硬化、骨膜反応、骨変形、骨髄・軟部組織浮腫、関節液貯留、滑膜炎には有意な変化は認められなかった(p=0.253、p=0.062、p=0.245、p=1、p=1、p=0.429、p=0.371、p=0.625、p=1)。
RESULTS: Baseline VAS scores were 8 or 9 and follow-up scores were 0 or 1, indicating no early recurrences. Nidus diameters decreased significantly after the procedure (p = 0.027, p = 0.002, and p = 0.002; and p = 0.001, p = 0.001, p = 0.001 for AP, ML and CC nidus diameters for CT and MRI, respectively). The mean nidus volume were significantly decreased after the procedure (p = 0.001, for CT and MRI). On post-procedural images, cortical thickening, the signal intensity and contrast enhancement of the nidus and the extent of periostitis were significantly decreased (p = 0.019, p = 0.001, p = 0.001 and p = 0.034, respectively). There was no significant change in nidus calcification, perinidal cortical and intramedullary sclerosis, periosteal reaction, bone deformity, bone marrow and soft tissue edema, joint effusion and synovitis after the procedure (p = 0.253, p = 0.062, p = 0.245, p = 1, p = 1, p = 0.429, p = 0.371, p = 0.625, p = 1).
CONCLUSION: Although the changes in imaging findings may be helpful in early follow-up of OO patients treated with RFTA, these changes alone cannot be used with accuracy in predicting treatment response.
LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level IV, Therapeutic Study.
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