Histological and immunohistochemical comparison of two different allogeneic bone grafting materials for alveolar ridge reconstruction: A prospective randomized trial in humans.
PMID: 31424173
BACKGROUND: Preclinical studies have hypothesized a possible immunological reponse to allogeneic materials due to detection of remnants of potential immunogenic molecules. However, their impact on integration, bone remodeling and immunological reaction after the augmentation procedure is largely unknown and a direct correlation of analytical data and evaluation of human biopsies is missing.
本研究では、市販されている2種類の同種材料について、細胞残基の含有量、骨リモデリング、骨癒合、潜在的な免疫反応について、組織学的および免疫組織化学的に比較し、臨床で使用されている特定のロットのin vitro分析評価も統合することを目的とした。
PURPOSE: The present study aimed to compare two commercially available allogeneic materials regarding their content of cellular remnants as well as the bone remodeling, and integration and potential immunologic reactions on a histological and immunohistochemical level, integrating also in vitro analytical evaluation of the specific batches that were used clinically.
20名の患者が、2段階の手術で側方隆起のためにマックスグラフトまたはピューロスを使用する治療に無作為に割り付けられた。平均治癒期間5ヶ月後、インプラントを埋入し、生検を行い、骨リモデリングと炎症に関する組織学的、免疫組織化学的、および組織形態学的評価、in vitroでのタンパク質濃度、臨床で使用されているものと同じロットのMHC分子の存在について評価した。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty patients were randomly assigned to treatment with Maxgraft or Puros for lateral ridge augmentation in a two-stage surgery. After a mean healing period of 5 months, implants were placed and biopsies were taken for histological, immunhistochemical, and histomorphometrical evaluation regarding bone remodeling and inflammation, protein concentrations in vitro and the presence of MHC molecules of the same batches used clinically.
臨床結果、組織学的、免疫組織化学的、およびin vitroのタンパク質分析において、2つの骨移植材の間に差は認められなかった。活発な骨再形成、新たに形成された骨の量、移植片の残存量は、使用した材料に依存せず、被験者間で差があった。MHC1残基はどのサンプルでも検出されなかった。
RESULTS: No differences in clinical outcome, histological, immunohistochemical, and in vitro protein analysis between the two bone grafting materials were observed. Active bone remodeling, amount of newly formed bone, and residual grafting material was independent of the materials used, but varied between subjects. MHC1 residues were not detected in any sample.
CONCLUSIONS: Within the limitations of this study, both tested materials yielded equivalent results in terms of clinical outcome, new bone formation, and lack of immunological potential on a histological and immunohistochemical level.