2 バルティック・オッセオインテグレーション・アカデミーとリトアニア健康科学大学のコンセンサス会議2019。要約とコンセンサス・ステートメント。グループII - 抜歯窩の保存方法と移植窩内の歯科インプラント埋入の成果
The 2 Baltic Osseointegration Academy and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Consensus Conference 2019. Summary and Consensus Statements: Group II - Extraction Socket Preservation Methods and Dental Implant Placement Outcomes within Grafted Sockets.
PMID: 31620271 PMCID: PMC6788424. DOI: 10.5037/jomr.2019.10309.
Introduction: The task of Group II was to review and update the existing data concerning extraction socket preservation with or without membranes and soft tissue influence on post-extraction alveolar ridge preservation; extraction socket preservation using different biomaterials as bone grafts, growth factors, and stem cells. Special interest was paid to the dental implant placement outcomes within grafted sockets.
このグループが評価した主な項目は以下の通りである:抜歯直後に膜や軟組織移植の有無に関わらず行われた様々な歯槽骨保存法の効果の定量的・定性的評価、および抜歯後のソケットにおける様々な骨補填材、幹細胞、成長因子の使用。移植されたソケットに埋入された歯科インプラントの治療結果を、一次的および二次的アウトカムの観点から評価した。システマティックレビューおよび/またはメタアナリシスは、システマティックレビューの国際前向き登録機関であるPROSPEROに登録された: http://www.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/。興味のある分野の文献は、PRISMAガイドライン(Preferred Reporting Item for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis)Statement: http://www.prisma-statement.org/ に従ってスクリーニングし、報告した。包括的な検索戦略に基づいたシステマティックレビューの作成方法を検討し、標準化した。システマティックレビューおよび/またはメタアナリシスを作成する際に著者が採用した材料と方法の概要は,「はじめに」の章に記載されている。
Material and Methods: The main areas evaluated by this group were as follows: quantitative and qualitative assessment of the effect of different alveolar preservation techniques performed immediately after tooth extraction, with or without membranes and/or soft tissue grafting, and the use of different bone substitutes, stem cells or growth factors in the postextraction socket. Evaluation of the treatment outcomes of dental implants placed in the grafted sockets in terms of primary and secondary outcomes were assessed. The systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses were registered in PROSPERO, an international prospective register of systematic reviews: http://www.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/. TThe literature in the corresponding areas of interest was screened and reported following the PRISMA guidelines (Preferred Reporting Item for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis) Statement: http://www.prisma-statement.org/. Method of preparation of the systematic reviews, based on comprehensive search strategies, was discussed and standardized. The summary of the materials and methods employed by the authors in preparing the systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses is presented in the Preface chapter.
Results: The results and conclusions of the review process are presented in the respective papers. Three systematic reviews and one systematic review and meta-analysis were performed. The group's general commentaries, consensus statements, clinical recommendations and implications for research are presented in this article.
Copyright © Galindo-Moreno P, Suárez-López del Amo F, Faria-Almeida R, Almeida BL, Astramskaite-Januseviciene I, Barootchi S, Borges T, Correia A, Correia F, Majzoub J, Padial-Molina M, Pranskunas M, Puisys A, Ramanauskaite A, Ravida A, Starch-Jensen T, Tattan M. Published in the JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL RESEARCH (http://www.ejomr.org), 5 September 2019.