ムクドリ(Sturnus vulgaris)における離隔条件下での食餌摂取同期の現象
The Phenomenon of Synchronous Food Intake in Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) under the Conditions of Isolation from Each Other.
PMID: 32632836 DOI: 10.1134/S0012496620030023.
The dynamics of body temperature was used to determine the food intake synchronization in starlings located at a distance of 105 km from each other. Thermal accumulators were implanted intraperitoneally to the birds; the birds had free access to food or were kept under the conditions of food deprivation. It was found that food intake moments significantly more often coincided with an accuracy of up to a minute even in the birds separated by a considerable distance. The difference in time of sunrise of a few minutes, as well as the conditions of constant lighting did not affect the synchronism of food intake. On the basis of the data obtained, it can be assumed that there is a certain external factor, probably of an electromagnetic nature, which synchronizes the functional activity of the body, including food intake.