米国のHIV臨床医を対象とした全国調査。Affordable Care Actについての知識と態度、およびケアの質とケアへの障壁への影響に関する意見
National Survey of US HIV Clinicians: Knowledge and Attitudes About the Affordable Care Act and Opinions of its Impact on Quality of Care and Barriers to Care.
PMID: 32665960 PMCID: PMC7336569. DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofaa225.
Affordable Care Act(ACA)の大改革は2014年から始まった。本研究では、HIV臨床医のACAに関する知識と態度を評価するとともに、ACAがHIVケアの質に影響を与えているかどうか、またACAがHIVケアの主な障壁に対処しているかどうかについて、HIV臨床医の見解を評価することを目的としている。
Background: The Affordable Care Act's (ACA's) major reforms started in 2014. In addition to assessing HIV clinicians' ACA knowledge and attitudes, this study aims to evaluate HIV clinicians' perspectives on whether the ACA has impacted the quality of HIV care and whether it addresses the main barriers to HIV care.
Methods: HIV clinicians were emailed a survey weblink in 2018. Descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney tests, and binary logistic regression were performed.
Results: Of the 211 survey participants, the majority (70%) answered all 4 knowledge questions correctly. About 80% knew correctly whether their state had expanded Medicaid. Participants from Medicaid expansion states were more likely to report an improved ability to provide high-quality care compared with participants from Medicaid nonexpansion states (50% vs 34%; = .01). The average response to whether the ACA addresses the main barriers to HIV care was neutral and did not differ based on Medicaid status. The top 3 main barriers to HIV care cited were mental health, substance use, and transportation.
メディケイド拡大州のHIV臨床医は、メディケイド非拡大州のHIV臨床医と比較して、ACA実施後に質の高いケアを提供する能力が向上したと報告する可能性が高い。しかし、全米のHIV臨床医は、ACAがHIVケアの主な障壁に対処していないことを懸念している。成功するためには、「Ending the HIV Epidemic(HIVの流行を終わらせる)」イニシアチブが、これらの特定された障壁に対処しなければならない。
Conclusions: HIV clinicians in Medicaid expansion states were more likely to report an improved ability to provide high-quality care since ACA implementation compared with those in Medicaid nonexpansion states. However, HIV clinicians across the United States are concerned that the ACA does not address the main barriers to HIV care. To be successful, the "Ending the HIV Epidemic" initiative should address these identified barriers.
© The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Infectious Diseases Society of America.