Cercospora beticola:テンサイの葉斑病病原体の中毒生活
Cercospora beticola: The intoxicating lifestyle of the leaf spot pathogen of sugar beet.
PMID: 32681599 DOI: 10.1111/mpp.12962.
Cercospora leaf spotは、真菌病原体Cercospora beticolaによって引き起こされる、世界で最も破壊的な甜菜の葉面病害である。このレビューでは、C.beticolaの遺伝学、ゲノム学、生物学について論じ、C.beticolaとテンサイの宿主との間で起こる分子間相互作用についての現在の理解をまとめている。また、C.beticolaの既知の病原性と、現在使用されている病害管理戦略を克服する能力を強調している。最後に、新たに導入された分子ツールを用いて、C.beticola感染症の研究と管理のための将来の展望を述べ、この病原体の生物学に関するさらなる情報を明らかにする。
Cercospora leaf spot, caused by the fungal pathogen Cercospora beticola, is the most destructive foliar disease of sugar beet worldwide. This review discusses C. beticola genetics, genomics, and biology and summarizes our current understanding of the molecular interactions that occur between C. beticola and its sugar beet host. We highlight the known virulence arsenal of C. beticola as well as its ability to overcome currently used disease management strategies. Finally, we discuss future prospects for the study and management of C. beticola infections in the context of newly employed molecular tools to uncover additional information regarding the biology of this pathogen.
Cercospora beticola Sacc.; キングダム菌類, アコガネ菌門, ドチイデス菌類, Order Capnodiales, Family Mycosphaerellaceae, Genus Cercospora.
TAXONOMY: Cercospora beticola Sacc.; Kingdom Fungi, Phylum Ascomycota, Class Dothideomycetes, Order Capnodiales, Family Mycosphaerellaceae, Genus Cercospora.
甜菜(Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris)およびBeta属のほとんどの種の病原体としてよく知られているが、他の種にも病原性があることが報告されている。テンジク科の他の植物(例:ラムズクォーター、ホウレンソウ)やアカン科の植物(例:クマノミ)、キク科の植物(例:アブラナ)、キク科の植物(例:菊、レタス)などにも病原性があると報告されている。菊、レタス、紅花など)、アブラナ科(野芥子など)、マルバ科(マルバなど)、プルンバギナ科(リモニウムなど)、ポリゴナ科(広葉樹ドックなど)。
HOST RANGE: Well-known pathogen of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris) and most species of the Beta genus. Reported as pathogenic on other members of the Chenopodiaceae (e.g., lamb's quarters, spinach) as well as members of the Acanthaceae (e.g., bear's breeches), Apiaceae (e.g., Apium), Asteraceae (e.g., chrysanthemum, lettuce, safflower), Brassicaceae (e.g., wild mustard), Malvaceae (e.g., Malva), Plumbaginaceae (e.g., Limonium), and Polygonaceae (e.g., broad-leaved dock) families.
DISEASE SYMPTOMS: Leaves infected with C. beticola exhibit circular lesions that are coloured tan to grey in the centre and are often delimited by tan-brown to reddish-purple rings. As disease progresses, spots can coalesce to form larger necrotic areas, causing severely infected leaves to wither and die. At the centre of these spots are black spore-bearing structures (pseudostromata). Older leaves often show symptoms first and younger leaves become infected as the disease progresses.
現在、異なる作用機序の殺菌剤を混合して散布することが行われているが、使用されているほとんどの殺菌剤クラスでは、高い抵抗性が記録されている。宿主抵抗性を改善した高収量品種の育種は現在進行形で行われており、輪作、雑草宿主管理、病害残渣を減らすための栽培など、慎重な文化的慣行が病害管理に広く用いられています。有用なウェブサイト: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/11237?genome_assembly_id=352037。
MANAGEMENT: Application of a mixture of fungicides with different modes of action is currently performed although elevated resistance has been documented in most employed fungicide classes. Breeding for high-yielding cultivars with improved host resistance is an ongoing effort and prudent cultural practices, such as crop rotation, weed host management, and cultivation to reduce infested residue levels, are widely used to manage disease. USEFUL WEBSITE: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/11237?genome_assembly_id=352037.
© 2020 The Authors. Molecular Plant Pathology published by British Society for Plant Pathology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.