The association of loneliness after sudden bereavement with risk of suicide attempt: a nationwide survey of bereaved adults.
PMID: 32683472 DOI: 10.1007/s00127-020-01921-w.
PURPOSE: We aimed to test the hypothesis that among people who experience sudden bereavement, loneliness is associated with post-bereavement suicide attempt and post-bereavement suicidal ideation, even when adjusting for network size.
2010年のUCL Bereavement Studyで収集された横断的データを分析し、突然の死別を経験した3193名の回答者を特定した。多変量ロジスティック回帰を用いて、孤独感(新たに開発された8項目の孤独感尺度を用いて)と死別後の自殺未遂および自殺念慮との関連を検定し、社会統計学的因子、死別前のうつ病および自傷行為、ネットワークの規模を調整した。
METHODS: We analysed cross-sectional data collected in the 2010 UCL Bereavement Study, to identify 3193 respondents who had experienced sudden bereavement. We used multivariable logistic regression to test for an association between loneliness (using a newly-developed eight-item loneliness measure) and post-bereavement suicide attempt and suicidal ideation, adjusting for socio-demographic factors, pre-bereavement depression and self-harm, and network size.
死別した成人において、孤独感は死別後の自殺未遂の確率(AOR 1.19;95%CI 1.14-1.25)および死別後の自殺念慮(AOR 1.24;95%CI 1.20-1.28)と有意に関連していたが、死別の知覚されたスティグマを調整モデルに加えても推定値は変化しなかった。自殺死別と孤独感との間には関連はなかった(調整係数0.22;95%CI -0.12~0.45;p=0.063)。孤独感と自殺未遂リスクの関連は、参加者が自殺で死別したか否かにかかわらず同様であった。
RESULTS: Among bereaved adults, loneliness was significantly associated with probability of post-bereavement suicide attempt (AOR 1.19; 95% CI 1.14-1.25) and of post-bereavement suicidal ideation (AOR 1.24; 95% CI 1.20-1.28), with estimates unchanged by adding perceived stigma of the bereavement to adjusted models. There was no association between suicide bereavement and loneliness (adjusted coefficient 0.22; 95% CI - 0.12 to 0.45; p = 0.063). The association of loneliness and suicide attempt risk was similar whether participants were bereaved by suicide or not.
CONCLUSIONS: People who report feeling lonely after sudden bereavement are more likely to make a suicide attempt after their loss, even when taking into account their network size and the perceived stigma of the sudden bereavement. There is no evidence that the effects of loneliness on suicidality are specific to suicide bereavement. This work identifies loneliness as a potential target for suicide prevention interventions among bereaved people. It also fuels interest in longitudinal research investigating loneliness as a putative mediator of suicide risk.