The loss of molars in supportive periodontal care: A 10-year follow-up for tooth- and patient-related factors.
PMID: 34905803
AIM: To determine the impact of the degree of furcation involvement (FI) on the longevity of molar teeth and assess the risk variables (tooth- and patient-related factors) associated with the loss of molars (LM) in individuals treated for periodontitis and monitored in a private programme of supportive periodontal care (SPC).
本レトロスペクティブコホート研究は、SPC の 10 年間のモニタリング期間中に 222 名、1329 本の臼歯を対象とした。歯周臨床パラメータ、FI、臼歯の種類、歯髄の活力、およびその他の注目すべき変数が、積極的歯周治療後約 50 日間と 10 年後に収集された。歯および患者関連因子と LM との関連は,マルチレベル Cox 回帰分析により評価した.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present retrospective cohort study included 222 individuals with 1329 molars under a 10-year monitoring period in SPC. Periodontal clinical parameters, FI, the type of molar, pulp vitality, and other variables of interest were collected at approximately 50 days after active periodontal therapy and after 10 years. The association of tooth- and patient-related factors with LM was assessed using a multilevel Cox regression analysis.
12.4±1.9 年の SPC 期間に 235 本の臼歯が抜歯された。年齢50歳以上,男性,糖尿病,喫煙,コンプライアンス違反は,SPC期間中のLMに関連する患者関連因子として同定された(p<.05).歯牙関連因子としては,BoP(bleeding on probing)およびPD(probing depth)≧5mm,歯牙非活性,クラスIIおよびIIIのFI(p<.05)が有意にLMに関連する因子であった.
RESULTS: Two-hundred and thirty-five molars were extracted during the SPC period of 12.4 ± 1.9 years. Age >50 years, male gender, diabetes, smoking, and non-compliance were identified as relevant patient-related factors for LM during SPC (p < .05). Significant tooth-related factors for LM were bleeding on probing (BoP) and probing depth (PD) ≥5 mm, tooth non-vitality, and class II and III FI (p < .05).
クラス III の FI,歯の非活性,PD と BoP の平均値の高さ,年齢,男性,糖尿病,喫煙はすべて SPC 中の大臼歯の予後に強く影響した.
CONCLUSIONS: Class III FI, tooth non-vitality, higher mean PD and BoP, age, male gender, diabetes, and smoking all strongly influenced the prognosis of molars during SPC.