Examining the impact of haemophilia treatment on health-related quality of life.
PMID: 35537107
INTRODUCTION: Haemophilia has substantial SD effects on health-related quality of life (HRQoL), particularly for people with severe haemophilia. How certain aspects of haemophilia influence HRQoL is not well understood.
AIM: To develop predictive models of variables influencing HRQoL in people with severe haemophilia A or B.
METHODS: We used data from 514 participants with haemophilia A or B who provided EQ-5D-3L responses in the 2015 CHESS study. Treatment was categorized as always been on-demand (POD), previously on prophylaxis and moved to on-demand regimen (SOD), on prophylaxis from diagnosis (PX), and prophylaxis, previously on-demand (PXOD). Target joints were defined as 'locations of chronic synovitis' as reported by the treating physician. Regression models were evaluated to assess the impact of demographic and clinical covariates on HRQoL scores.
有意な共変量はモデル間で概ね一致しており、対象関節数、入院回数、PX以外の血友病治療レジメンは全て独立して推定EQ-5Dスコアに負の影響を及ぼした。治療アドヒアランスの高さ(高 vs 低/中)と予防治療レジメンの使用は推定EQ-5Dスコアに正の影響を及ぼした。標的関節はEQ-5Dスコアの0.04の減少と関連し、アドヒアランスが高い対低い/中程度は0.06の増加と関連した。PXOD、POD、SOD治療レジメンは、PXに対してそれぞれ0.07、0.09、0.08の予測スコアの減少と関連した。
RESULTS: Significant covariates were generally consistent across models, with number of target joints, number of hospital admissions, and any haemophilia treatment regimen other than PX all independently negatively impacting estimated EQ-5D score. Higher level of treatment adherence (high vs. low/medium) and use of a prophylaxis treatment regimen had positive effects on estimated EQ-5D scores. Target joints were associated with a 0.04 decrement in EQ-5D score, and high versus low/medium adherence was associated with a 0.06 increment. PXOD, POD, and SOD treatment regimens were associated with decrements in predicted scores of 0.07, 0.09, and 0.08, respectively, versus PX.
CONCLUSION: This study provides a model to estimate the impact of haemophilia interventions on HRQoL, to help assess the relative impact on patient-centric outcomes for this lifelong condition.