Survival and Complications of Partial Coverage Restorations on Posterior Teeth-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
PMID: 39558793
OBJECTIVE: To determine the clinical performance of partial coverage restorations (PCR) (onlays, occlusal veneers, and partial crowns) composed of different ceramic and ceramic-based materials to treat extended posterior defects.
MEDLINE、Scopus、CENTRAL、ClinicalTrials.gov、およびInternational Clinical Trials Registry Platformを検索し、異なるセラミックおよびセラミックベースの材料で構成された臼歯部PCRを比較するランダム化比較試験(RCT)で、最低追跡期間が1年のものを対象とした(開始~2024年2月)。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: MEDLINE, Scopus, CENTRAL, ClinicalTrials.gov, and the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform were searched (inception-February 2024) for randomized controlled trials (RCT) comparing posterior PCRs composed of different ceramic and ceramic-based materials with a minimum follow-up of 1 year.
6件のRCTが含まれた。レジンマトリックスセラミック(RMC)と二ケイ酸リチウム(LDS)修復物の3年生存率は、それぞれ89.3%(95% CI 76.4-95.3)と93.7%(95% CI 83.7-97.7)であり、リューサイト強化ガラスセラミック(LRGC)修復物は、RMCと比較して96.1%(95% CI 90.1-98.9)、LDSと比較して98.3%(95% CI 90.8-100)であった。1~3年の追跡調査後、修復物の破損と保存性の喪失に関しては、LDSがRMCをわずかに上回った(100修復年あたりの破損はRMCの方が1.56回多く、保存性の喪失はRMCの方が1.78回多かった[low certainty evidence])。短期間の追跡調査(1~3年の追跡調査)では、セラミックとセラミックベースの材料の間に統計的に有意な差は検出されなかった。ポステリアPCRの長期的な性能は不明である。
RESULTS: Six RCTs were included. Resin matrix ceramic (RMC) and lithium disilicate (LDS) restorations had a 3-year survival rate of 89.3% (95% CI 76.4-95.3) and 93.7% (95% CI 83.7-97.7), respectively, and leucite-reinforced glass ceramic (LRGC) restorations a range between 96.1% (95% CI 90.1-98.9) compared with RMC and 98.3% (95% CI 90.8-100) compared with LDS. After 1-3 years of follow-up, LDS slightly outperformed RMC on restoration failure and loss of retention (1.56 more failures and 1.78 more loss of retentions for RMC per 100 restoration-years [low certainty evidence]). No statistically significant differences between ceramic and ceramic-based materials were detected in short-term follow-up (1-3 years of follow-up). The long-term performance of posterior PCRs is uncertain.
CONCLUSION: The survival of LDS restorations may slightly outperform RMC restorations after 3 years of follow-up across outcomes, except for bulk fracture. RCTs providing medium to long-term data are needed.
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Ceramic and ceramic-based PCRs are a reliable treatment option to restore extended posterior defects.