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Clin Oral Implants Res.1998 Jun;9(3):151-62.


The effect of a deproteinized bovine bone mineral on bone regeneration around titanium dental implants.

PMID: 10530129


本実験の目的は、脱タンパク化牛骨ミネラル(Bio-Oss)が、インプラント周囲の脱落欠損における誘導骨再生(GBR)に及ぼす影響を検証することである。3匹のサル(Macaca fascicularis)の下顎の両側の第一大臼歯2本と小臼歯すべてを抜歯した。3ヵ月後、各サルの全顎に2本のチタン製プラズマコーティング円柱状インプラントを埋入した。外科処置の際、幅2.5mm、高さ3mmの標準的な剥離欠損を頬側と舌側に形成した。4つの異なる実験状況を作り出した:各サルの2部位はePTFEメンブレンで覆われ(M)、2部位は移植片材料で満たされ(DBBM)、2部位は移植片材料で満たされ、メンブレンでも覆われ(M + DBBM)、対照の2部位は移植片も覆いもされなかった(C)。フラップは一次治癒が可能なように縫合した。術後6ヵ月に採取した組織標本を用いて、骨の高さと幅の直線的な測定値を算出した。さらに、骨密度と移植片の新生骨接触面率を測定した。インプラント表面に沿った垂直方向の骨成長は、M+DBBMで100%(SD 0%)、Mで91%(SD 9%)、DBBMで52%(SD 24%)、Cで42%(SD 35%)が測定された。元の欠損の底部より1.5mm上、すなわち欠損の垂直方向延長の50%印の再生骨の幅は、欠損底部の幅に対して、M+DBBMで97%(SD 2%)、Mで85%(SD 9%)、DBBMで42%(SD 41%)、Cで23%(SD 31%)であった。再生骨のコンパートメント内の骨密度を評価した結果、M+DBBMで30%(SD 11%)、Mで45%(SD 20%)、DBBMで33%(SD 20%)、Cで22%(SD 23%)増加した。このコンパートメント内の移植片と新生骨の接触の値は、M+DBBMで80%(SD 15%)、DBBMで89%(SD 14%)であった。結論として、Bio-Ossは骨伝導性を示したため、骨の垂直方向および水平方向の成長に関して、剥離欠損のGBR処置に推奨できる。

The aim of the present experiment was to test the effect of a deproteinized bovine bone mineral (Bio-Oss) on guided bone regeneration (GBR) in dehiscence defects around implants. The first 2 molars and all premolars were extracted on both sides of the mandibles of 3 monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). Three months later, 2 titanium plasma-coated cylindrical implants were placed in all quadrants of each monkey. During the surgical procedure, standardized dehiscence defects were produced buccally and lingually, measuring 2.5 mm in width and 3 mm in height. Four different experimental situations were created: 2 sites in each monkey were covered with an ePTFE membrane (M), 2 were filled with the graft material (DBBM), 2 were filled with the graft material and also covered with a membrane (M + DBBM), and 2 control sites were neither grafted nor covered (C). The flaps were sutured to allow for primary healing. Linear measurements of bone height and width were calculated on histological specimens obtained 6 months following surgery. In addition, values for bone density and for surface fraction of graft to new bone contact were measured. Vertical bone growth along the implant surface of 100% (SD 0%) for M + DBBM, 91% (SD 9%) for M, 52% (SD 24%) for DBBM, and 42% (SD 35%) for C was measured. The width of the regenerated bone 1.5 mm above the bottom of the original defect, i.e. at the 50% mark of the vertical extension of the defect, in relation to the width at the bottom of the defect amounted to 97% (SD 2%) for M + DBBM, 85% (SD 9%) for M, 42% (SD 41%) for DBBM, and 23% (SD 31%) for C. Assessment of bone density within the confinement of the regenerated bone resulted in an increase of 30% (SD 11%) for M + DBBM, 45% (SD 20%) for M, 33% (SD 20%) for DBBM, and 22% (SD 23%) for C. The values for graft to new bone contact within this compartment amounted to 80% (SD 15%) for M + DBBM and 89% (SD 14%) for DBBM. In conclusion, Bio-Oss exhibited osteoconductive properties and hence can be recommended for GBR procedures in dehiscence defects with respect to vertical and horizontal growth of bone.