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Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent.2003 Feb;23(1):79-85.


Clinical repair of an osseous defect associated with a cemental tear: a case report.

PMID: 12617371



Cemental tears have been described as detachment of cementum caused by trauma or aging. They often result in severe periodontal lesions that may necessitate the extraction of the affected tooth. This case report describes the clinical resolution of a periodontal lesion associated with a cemental tear. A maxillary central incisor was subjected to endodontic treatment twice with no resolution of a deep distobuccal pocket and a palatal sinus tract from its apical region. The preoperative differential diagnosis for the condition present on the tooth included a vertical fracture and a combined periodontal-endodontic lesion. Surgical exploration of the area revealed a cemental tear on the apical third of the tooth. The cementum fragments were removed, root-end resection was performed, and the osseous lesion was treated with an osseous graft and guided tissue regeneration. Clinical examination of the area 1 year after surgery revealed resolution of both the prior pocket and sinus tract. Radiographic examination of the area showed increased radiopacity in the area of the original lesion, suggesting bone fill.