Effect of different crown contours on periodontal health in dogs. Clinical results.
PMID: 12878023
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to evaluate clinically the effect of different crown contours on the periodontium in beagle dogs.
METHODS: One month after commencing oral hygiene procedures the second and third premolars in three quadrants of four adult beagle dogs were prepared for receiving crowns. The unprepared second and third premolars in one quadrant served as controls. Crowns with three different emergence profiles (normal (=tooth) contour, 30 degrees and 50 degrees over-contour) were cemented where one quadrant received the same treatment. Clinical parameters were recorded on all four sites (mesial, buccal, distal and lingual) of test and control teeth at baseline, after 3 and 5 months. During the entire study period, professional oral hygiene was performed seven times a week.
プラーク指数は、30度および50度のオーバーコンター群で増加したが、統計的に有意な差は認められなかった。正常輪郭群とコントロール群では、わずかな変化であった。歯肉指数についても同様の結果が得られた。プラークと歯肉指標に関する変化は、歯肉隙間液流と相関していた。歯肉溝流については、30度および50度のオーバーコンター群では、治療群間および治療期間中に有意差が認められた。このパラメータは、コントロール群と通常輪郭群ではわずかな差しか認められなかった。コントロール群では、ポケットプロービングデプス(Pocket Probing depth)は全試験期間を通じて安定していたが、クラウンをかぶせた治療群では時間の経過とともに増加した。3ヵ月後および5ヵ月後のプロービングデプスは、コントロール群と比較して、30度および50度のオーバーコンター群で有意に大きかった。臨床的アタッチメントレベルの喪失は、対照群よりも試験群の方が高かった。各時点において、コントロール群を除く各群間および各群内において、統計的に有意な差が認められた。
RESULTS: The Plaque Index increased for the 30 degrees and 50 degrees over-contour groups, although no statistically significant differences could be observed. For the normal contour and control group minor changes occurred. Similar results could be depicted for the Gingival Index. The changes regarding the variables Plaque and Gingival Index were correlated to the Gingival Crevicular Fluid Flow. Here, significant differences for the Gingival Crevicular Flow were observed between the treatment groups and over the treatment period for the 30 and 50 degrees over-contour groups. Only slight differences for this parameter were observed in and between the control and normal contour groups. In the control group, the Pocket Probing depth remained stable during the entire study but increased in the crowned treatment groups over time. At 3 and 5 months the probing depth was significant greater in the 30 degrees and 50 degrees over-contour groups compared to the control group. There was a higher loss of clinical attachment levels for the test groups than for the control group. There were statistically significant differences at each timepoint between groups and also within groups except for the control group.
CONCLUSIONS: Within the limits of this study it can be concluded that over-contoured subgingival crowns seem to affect clinical periodontal health only slightly in dogs over 5 months when an intensive oral hygiene regimen is executed.