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J Clin Periodontol.2004 Jul;31(7):489-96.


Some risk factors for periodontal bone loss in 50-year-old individuals. A 10-year cohort study.

PMID: 15191581




OBJECTIVE: The aim of this 10-year prospective study of 50-year-old individuals was to analyze the incidence of periodontal bone loss and potential risk factors for periodontal bone loss.



METHODS: The subject sample was generated from an epidemiological survey performed in 1988 of subjects living in the County of Värmland, Sweden. A randomized sample of 15% of the 50-year-old inhabitants in the county was drawn. At the 10-year follow-up in 1998, 320 (75%) of the 449 individuals examined at baseline were available for re-examination, out of which 4 had become edentulous. Full-mouth clinical and radiographic examinations and questionnaire surveys were performed in 1988 and 1998. Two hundred and ninety-five individuals (69%) had complete data for inclusion in the analysis of radiographic bone changes over 10 years. Non-parametric tests, correlations and stepwise multiple regression models were used for statistical analysis of the data.


1988年の平均歯槽骨レベル(ABL)は2.2mm(0.05)であり、10年間でさらに0.4mm(0.57)(p=0.000)減少した。被験者の8%は骨量減少を認めなかったが、5%は1mm以上の骨量減少を認めた。喫煙は最も強い個人リスク予測因子であった(RR=3.2;95%CI 2.03-5.15)。10年間の追跡期間中、喫煙習慣を継続していた人だけを喫煙者として含めると、相対リスクはわずかに上昇した(3.6;95%CI 2.32-5.57)。ベースライン検査前に禁煙していた患者では、疾患進行のリスクは有意に増加しなかった(RR=1.3;95%CI 0.57-2.96)。ステップワイズ重回帰分析の結果、喫煙、プロービングポケット深さが4mmを超える近心部位の割合、歯数、全身疾患が10年間のABL低下の有意な説明因子であった(R(2)=0.12)。非喫煙者の場合、統計的に有意な予測因子は、歯数、平均ABL、歯周健康な近心部位の割合、教育レベルであった(R(2)=0.20)。

RESULTS: The mean alveolar bone level (ABL) in 1988 was 2.2 mm (0.05) and a further 0.4 mm (0.57) (p=0.000) was lost over the 10 years. Eight percent of the subject sample showed no loss, while 5% experienced a mean bone loss of >/=1 mm. Smoking was found to be the strongest individual risk predictor (RR=3.2; 95% CI 2.03-5.15). When including as smokers only those individuals who had continued with the habit during the entire 10-year follow-up period, the relative risk was slightly increased (3.6; 95% CI 2.32-5.57). Subjects who had quit smoking before the baseline examination did not demonstrate a significantly increased risk for disease progression (RR=1.3; 95% CI 0.57-2.96). Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that smoking, % approximal sites with probing pocket depth >/=4 mm, number of teeth and systemic disease were significant explanatory factors for 10-year ABL loss (R(2)=0.12). For never smokers, statistically significant predictors were number of teeth, mean ABL, % periodontally healthy approximal sites and educational level (R(2)=0.20).



CONCLUSION: The inclusion of smokers in risk analysis for periodontal diseases may obstruct the possibility to detect other true risk factors and risk indicators.