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J Oral Sci.2004 Sep;46(3):179-83.


Feasibility of eradication of mutans streptococci from oral cavities.

PMID: 15508751



クロルヘキシジン(CHX)を用いたう蝕予防プログラムが提案されているが、ミュータンス連鎖球菌(S. mutansおよびS. sobrinus)のレベルを低下させるCHXの効果は数ヶ月しか持続しないようである。この研究の目的は、集中的な専門的機械的歯面清掃(PMTC)とカスタムメイドのトレーに入れたCHXの局所塗布を用いて、口腔内のミュータンスレンサ球菌を根絶することである。

OBJECTIVES: Dental caries prevention programs using chlorhexidine (CHX) have been proposed, but CHX's effect in reducing levels of mutans streptococci (S. mutans and S. sobrinus) appears to last for only a few months. The aim of this study was to attempt to eradicate mutans streptococci from the oral cavity using intensive professional mechanical tooth cleaning (PMTC) and topical application of CHX in custom-made trays.



METHODS: Seven adult dentate subjects participated in this study (mean age 53.7+/-5.6, age range 46 to 62, mean DMFT, 9.1+/-4.2). For each subject, PMTC was carried out eight times within ten days. After each PMTC, 1% CHX was applied twice to the tooth surface using custom-made trays. In addition, as home treatment, subjects were required to carry out tooth brushing three times a day, and apply 0.2% CHX in custom trays after brushing in the morning and evening. In addition, subjects rinsed with 0.2% CHX solution after lunch. Salivary levels of mutans streptococci were evaluated using Dentocult-SM at baseline and on days 9, 20, 70, 120.



RESULTS: Mutans streptococci were eradicated by day 120 from 4 of the 7 seven subjects participating in this study. Those 3 subjects still harboring mutans streptococci exhibited deep periodontal pocketing.



CONCLUSIONS: Eradication of mutans streptococci from the oral cavity is feasible using a combination of CHX application in custom-made trays and intensive PMTC.