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J Endod.2005 May;31(5):373-5.


The shaping effects of three nickel-titanium rotary instruments in simulated S-shaped canals.

PMID: 15851932



The purpose of this study was to compare the shaping effects of three nickel-titanium rotary instruments, ProTaper, K3, and RaCe, with emphasis on canal transportation. Simulated canals with an S-shaped curvature in clear resin blocks were prepared with a torque-control, low-speed engine. Canals were prepared using the crown-down technique to the size of #30. Canal aberrations were assessed by comparing the pre- and postinstrumentation images under a stereomicroscope. ProTaper instruments caused greater widening of canals compared to K3 or RaCe. Furthermore, ProTaper files showed a tendency to ledge or zip formation at the end-point of preparation. These canal aberrations may be caused by ProTaper finishing files, which appear to be less flexible than other files of the same tip-size, because of their greater taper-size. These results suggest that nickel-titanium file systems including less tapered, more flexible instruments, like K3 and RaCe should be used in the apical preparation of canals with a complicated curvature.