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Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract.2005 Jul;35(4):837-68, vi.


Fundamentals of endodontics.

PMID: 15979516



Endodontic disease is a highly prevalent (>10% of all dogs) and insidiously painful process that can have significant local and systemic effects. The root canal system is a delicate organ and is prone to inflammation, infection, and partial and complete necrosis. Vital pulp therapy must be performed quickly, gently, and meticulously if it is to be effective. The relatively high rate of failure in direct pulp capping makes regular follow-up radiographs of critical importance to ensure patient health. Once a tooth is dead, there are often no obvious clinical signs; therefore, clinicians must be educated in the diagnosis of the disease processes. Once properly educated, the practitioner must remain vigilant for subtle signs of the disease process. Standard root canal therapy is an effective method of removing the inflammation, infection, and associated discomfort of the endodontically diseased tooth while maintaining its function. Endodontic failure most likely remains hidden unless dental radiology is used. Follow-up radiographs at regular intervals throughout the patient's life are critical for ensuring the long-term success of any endodontic therapy.