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J Oral Maxillofac Surg.2006 Feb;64(2):277-82.


The clinical significance of sinus membrane perforation during augmentation of the maxillary sinus.

PMID: 16413901



上顎洞底の増大術は、十分に立証された手技であり、一般に、萎縮した上顎 後部にインプラントを埋入しやすくするための純粋なインプラント術式として受け入れ られている。本報告の目的は、この手技の発生率、合併症、および成功率における副鼻腔膜穿孔の重要性を評価することである。

PURPOSE: Augmentation of the maxillary sinus floor is a well-documented technique and is generally accepted as a pure implantology procedure to facilitate placement of dental implants in the posterior atrophic maxilla. The objective of this report was to evaluate the significance of the sinus membrane perforations on the incidence, complications, and success rate of this procedure.



PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients who received sinus floor augmentation and simultaneous placement of dental implant were included in this study. Subgroup I consisted of patients who had their sinus membrane perforated and repaired during the procedure with resorbable membrane. Subgroup II consisted of patients whose Schneiderian membrane was not perforated during the procedure. The patients were followed between 1 to 4 years after augmentation.


すべての穿孔はクラスIIまたはIIIに分類された。穿孔群におけるインプラントの成功率は94.4%であり、非穿孔群では93.9%であった。2群間の差は統計的に有意ではなかった。残存隆起の高さとメンブレン穿孔の間に有意な統計的相関が認められた(P < 0.01)。

RESULTS: All perforations were classified as class II or III. The success rate of the implants in the perforation group was 94.4%, and that for the nonperforation group was 93.9%. The difference between the 2 study groups was statistically not significant. A significant statistical correlation was found between the residual ridge height and the membrane perforation (P < .01).


主に技術的な困難性により、上顎洞膜穿孔は残存歯槽骨の高さが小さいほど発生頻度が高い。この研究では、メンブレンが穿孔した患者と無傷のメンブレ ンを維持した患者の副鼻腔骨移植による即時インプラント埋入の成 功率に統計的な差は認められなかった。

CONCLUSIONS: Mainly due to technical difficulties, maxillary sinus membrane perforation occurs more frequently with a small height of residual alveolar bone. In this study, no statistical difference was observed in the success rate of the immediate implants placed with sinus bone grafting in patients whose membrane was perforated versus those patients in whom an intact membrane was maintained.