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Int J Dent Hyg.2005 Feb;3(1):25-30.


Clinical studies to determine the effectiveness of a whitening toothpaste at reducing stain (using a forced stain model).

PMID: 16451374




AIMS: Two single centre, randomized single-blind, crossover studies were performed, to compare the effect of a test toothpaste with a conventional fluoride paste in the inhibition and removal of extrinsic dental stain promoted by repeated chlorhexidine/tea rinses.


これらの研究では、2つの別々の臨床試験にそれぞれ24人の被験者を用いた。各試験期間の前の金曜日に、被験者には予防処置が行われ、すべての着色、歯垢および歯石の沈着が除去された。翌月曜日、被験者はステインがないことを確認され、直接監視下で0.2%クロルヘキシジンマウスリンスですすぎ、すぐに温かい紅茶溶液ですすいだ。このサイクルを1日中1時間おきに8回、翌日も金曜日まで繰り返した。さらに被験者は、朝と昼に、歯磨き粉スラリーによる洗口または対照の水による洗口を毎日1回受けた。この期間中、他の口腔衛生は一切禁止された。金曜日には、Lobene Stain Indexを用いてステイン面積とステイン強度を評価した。ステイン除去試験では、クロルヘキシジンと紅茶の洗浄液を用いてステインを再度促進した。4日後、指定された歯磨き粉で2分間ブラッシングする前と直後にステインを測定した。その後、被験者は自宅で通常の口腔衛生習慣に従って歯ブラシを使用するよう指示された。翌週の水曜日に、ステインの量を再測定した。その後、各被験者は、次の期間の試験を開始する前に、歯垢結石と着色をすべて除去するための徹底的な予防処置を受けた。

METHODS: These studies used 24 subjects in each of two separate clinical trials. On the Friday before each trial period, the subjects received a prophylaxis to remove all staining, plaque and calculus deposits. On the following Monday, subjects were checked whether they were stain free and then under direct supervision they rinsed with a 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthrinse, immediately followed by a rinse with a warm black tea solution. This cycle was repeated hourly eight times throughout the day and on the following days until the Friday. In addition subjects also received daily a single toothpaste slurry rinse or control water rinse in the morning and lunchtime. No other form of oral hygiene was permitted during this period. On the Friday, both stain area and intensity was assessed using the Lobene Stain Index. For the stain removal study, stain was promoted again using chlorhexidine and tea rinses. After 4 days, stain was measured both prior to and immediately after brushing with the allocated toothpaste for 2 min. Subjects were then instructed to use the toothbrush at home according to their normal oral hygiene practices. On the following Wednesday, the amount of stain present was re-assessed. Each subject subsequently received a thorough prophylaxis to remove all plaque calculus and staining before starting the following periods of the study.


ホワイトニング歯磨き粉、コントロール歯磨き粉、ウォーターコントロールのステイン抑制効果に差は見られなかった。また、1回のブラッシングでステインを除去する2つの歯磨き粉の能力には、わずかな差(面積と強度の製品で3.5%)しかなかった。しかしその差は、従来の有意水準(P = 0.089)に近づくほど試験製品に有利であった。通常の家庭での使用では、どちらの歯磨剤にも優劣は認められなかった。

RESULTS: The study showed no difference in the ability of the test whitening toothpaste, control toothpaste and water control at inhibiting stain. There was also only a small difference (3.5% for product of area and intensity) between the ability of the two toothpastes to help remove stain after a single brushing. The difference was however in favour of the test product which approached a conventional level of significance (P = 0.089). There was no evidence of superiority for either of the pastes after normal home usage.



CONCLUSIONS: This study has suggested that the test product may have some advantage over the conventional paste at removing stain but the magnitude of difference would appear to be small and of little clinical relevance.