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Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod.2008 Jun;105(6):702-6.


Influence of premature exposure of implants on early crestal bone loss: an experimental study in dogs.

PMID: 18299226




OBJECTIVE: Several studies have reported on spontaneous early exposure of submerged implants, suggesting that exposed implants have greater bone loss than nonexposed implants. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of implant-abutment connections and partial implant exposure on crestal bone loss around submerged implants.


6頭の雑種犬の下顎に、両側無歯顎の平坦な歯槽骨隆起を形成した。3ヶ月の治癒後、一般的に認められている2段階の外科的プロトコールに従って、下顎の両側に2本のフィクスチャーを埋入した。両側のフィクスチャーは、2つの処置のいずれかに無作為に割り付けられた。1つ目は、カバースクリューをフィクスチャーに連結し、切開した歯肉を部分的に切除してカバースクリューを露出させた(部分露出群)。もう1つは、ヒーリングアバットメントをフィクスチャーに連結し、アバットメントの冠状部が口腔内に露出したままとする方法である(アバットメント連結群)。8週間後、インプラント周囲の骨の高さを測定するため、インプラント埋入部位のマイクロCT(micro-computed tomography)を行った。データはWilcoxonの符号付き順位検定で分析した。

STUDY DESIGN: Bilateral, edentulated, flat alveolar ridges were created in the mandible of 6 mongrel dogs. After 3 months of healing, 2 fixtures were placed on each side of the mandible following a commonly accepted 2-stage surgical protocol. The fixtures on each side were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 procedures. In the first, a cover screw was connected to the fixture, and the incised gingiva was partially removed to expose the cover screw (partially exposed group). In the second, a healing abutment was connected to the fixture so that the coronal portion of the abutment remained exposed to the oral cavity (abutment-connected group). After 8 weeks, micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) at the implantation site was performed to measure the bone height in the peri-implant bone. Data were analyzed by Wilcoxon's signed rank test.



RESULTS: The average bone height was greater for the abutment-connected fixture (9.8 +/- 0.5 mm) than for the partially exposed fixture (9.3 +/- 0.5 mm; P < .05).



CONCLUSION: These results suggest that when implant exposure is detected, the placement of healing abutments may help limit bone loss around the submerged implants.