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Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants.2007;22 Suppl:173-202.


How do smoking, diabetes, and periodontitis affect outcomes of implant treatment?

PMID: 18437796




PURPOSE: Implant therapy is highly predictable and successful. However, certain risk factors can predispose individuals to lower rates of success. The purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate the available literature to assess whether smoking, diabetes, and periodontitis have an adverse affect on the outcomes of implants placed in patients with these conditions.


MEDLINE、Cochrane Collaboration、EMBASEデータベースを用いて歯科文献を検索した。特定の包含基準および除外基準を用いて、2名の査読者がタイトル、抄録、全文を評価し、本レビューに関連する論文を特定した。すべての検索は、2005年5月までに発表された論文を対象に行われた。喫煙、糖尿病、歯周炎の各危険因子群について、収録された論文からデータを抽出し、分析した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The dental literature was searched using the MEDLINE, Cochrane Collaboration, and EMBASE databases. Using specific inclusion and exclusion criteria, 2 reviewers evaluated titles, abstracts, and full articles to identify articles relevant to this review. All searches were conducted for articles published through May 2005. Data from included articles for each of the risk factor groups, smoking, diabetes, and periodontitis, were abstracted and analyzed.


文献の詳細な検索と関連論文の評価により、この系統的レビューに含めるべき35の論文が同定された。喫煙については19編、糖尿病については4編、歯周炎については13編の論文が同定された。喫煙と歯周炎の両方の基準を満たした論文は1報であった。喫煙者と非喫煙者、糖尿病患者と非糖尿病患者、歯周炎治療歴のある患者と歯周炎治療歴のない患者について、インプラントの生存率と成功率が報告された。その結果、喫煙者では生存率および成功率に統計学的有意差が認められ(非喫煙者ではより良好)、骨質によってデータを分析すると、より大きな差が認められた(緩い海綿骨ではより少ない)。糖尿病の有無によるインプラントの生存率の差は認められ なかった。同様に、歯周炎治療歴のある患者と歯周炎治療歴のない患者で も、インプラント生存率に差は認められなかった。

RESULTS: A detailed search of the literature and evaluation of relevant articles identified 35 articles for inclusion in this systematic review. Nineteen articles were identified for smoking, 4 articles were identified for diabetes, and 13 articles were identified for periodontitis. One article met the criteria for both smoking and periodontitis. Implant survival and success rates were reported for smokers versus nonsmokers; diabetic patients versus nondiabetic patients; and patients with a history of treated periodontitis versus patients with no history of periodontitis. The findings revealed statistically significant differences in survival and success rates for smokers (better for nonsmokers), with greater differences observed when the data were analyzed according to bone quality (less for loose trabecular bone). No difference in implant survival rate was found between patients with and without diabetes. Likewise, no difference in implant survival rates was found between patients with a history of treated periodontitis compared to patients with no history of periodontitis.



CONCLUSIONS: The results of this systematic review of the literature demonstrated that smoking has an adverse affect on implant survival and success. The effect of smoking on implant survival appeared to be more pronounced in areas of loose trabecular bone. Type 2 diabetes may have an adverse effect on implant survival rates, but the limited number of studies included in this review do not permit a definitive conclusion. A history of treated periodontitis does not appear to adversely affect implant survival rates but it may have a negative influence on implant success rates, particularly over longer periods.