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J Adhes Dent.2008 Feb;10(2):135-44.


Sodium hypochlorite as dentin pretreatment for etch-and-rinse single-bottle and two-step self-etching adhesives: atomic force microscope and tensile bond strength evaluation.

PMID: 18512511




PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of using 5.25% commercial sodium hypochlorite treatment prior to the application of etch-and-rinse and self-etching adhesives on dentin surface microtopography and tensile bond strength.


齲蝕のない、修復されていないヒト第3大臼歯32本を採取した。すべての歯の咬合エナメル質をダイヤモンドディスクを用いて除去し、平坦な象牙質表面を露出させた。露出した象牙質表面を600グリットのSiCディスクで研磨し、均一な象牙質スメア層を形成した。AFMによる特性評価のため、12本の歯を象牙質表面処理の提案に従って4つのグループに均等に分けた。厚さ2 mmの象牙質ディスク3枚をグループごとにタッピングモードで評価した.TBSおよびSEM評価には20歯を用い,象牙質表面処理案に従って4群に等分割した.TBSでは、厚さ2mmの象牙質/複合材スラブを各群8枚ずつ使用し、SEM評価ではスラブ2枚を使用した。各スラブは0.5 mm/minのクロスヘッド速度で破断するまで引張試験を行った。30kvで作動させたSEMでサンプルを検査し、ハイブリッド層を1500倍で写真評価した。統計解析はStatsDirect 2.5.7を用いて行った。一元配置分散分析に続いてTukey-Kramer多重比較ポストホック検定を行い、粗さパラメータとTBSのグループ間の差を検定した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-two noncarious, nonrestored human third molars were collected. The occlusal enamel of all teeth was removed using diamond disks to expose flat dentin surfaces. The exposed dentin surfaces were abraded using 600-grit SiC disks, to create a uniform dentin smear layer. For AFM characterization, 12 teeth were equally divided into 4 groups according to the proposed dentin surface treatment. Three dentin disks, 2 mm thick, were evaluated per group using tapping mode assessment. Twenty teeth were used for TBS and SEM evaluation and were equally divided into 4 groups, according to the proposed dentin surface treatment. For TBS, 8 dentin/composite slabs, 2 mm thick, were used in each group, while for SEM evaluation 2 slabs were used. Each slab was tested in tension at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min until failure occurred. The samples were examined using SEM operated at 30 kv to evaluate the hybrid layer photographically at 1500X. Statistical analysis was carried out using StatsDirect 2.5.7. One-way ANOVA followed by Tukey-Kramer multiple-comparison post-hoc tests were performed to test the difference between roughness parameters and TBS between groups.


次亜塩素酸ナトリウムと37%リン酸の塗布は、表面高さ偏差の絶対値の算術平均値(Sa)、表面積(z高さを考慮した)とx,y平面の面積の比を表す表面積比(Sdr)、表面支持指数(Sbi)パラメータを有意に増加させ、セルフエッチングプライマー塗布前の次亜塩素酸ナトリウムの塗布は、谷間液保持指数(Svi)パラメータを有意に増加させた。次亜塩素酸ナトリウムを前処理に用いないセルフエッチングプライマーは、コア液保持指数(Sci)パラメータを有意に増加させた。次亜塩素酸ナトリウム/AdheSE(7.42±2.16MPa)はTBS値を他の群に比べ有意に増加させた。しかし、次亜塩素酸ナトリウム/Excite(4.68 +/- 1.26 MPa)、AdheSE(4.42 +/- 1.36)、Excite(4.06 +/- 1.35)の間に統計学的有意差は認められなかった。AdheSEセルフエッチング接着剤で接着した試料のSEM像では,次亜塩素酸ナトリウムで接着した後にAdheSEセルフエッチング接着剤で接着した試料とは対照的に,樹脂タグのない領域でスミア層の残存が検出された.

RESULTS: Sodium hypochlorite followed by the application of 37% phosphoric acid significantly increased the arithmetic average of the absolute values of surface height deviations (Sa), the surface area ratio which expresses the ratio between the surface area (taking the z height into account) and the area of the flat x,y plane (Sdr), and the surface bearing index (Sbi) parameters, while the application of sodium hypochlorite prior to the application of the self-etching primer significantly increased the valley fluid retention index (Svi) parameter. Self-etching primer without sodium hypochlorite pretreatment significantly increased the core fluid retention index (Sci) parameter. Sodium hypochlorite/AdheSE (7.42 +/- 2.16 MPa) significantly increased TBS value compared to other groups. However, no statistically significant difference was found between sodium hypochlorite/Excite (4.68 +/- 1.26 MPa), AdheSE (4.42 +/- 1.36), and Excite (4.06 +/- 1.35). Remnants of smear layer were detected with areas devoid of resin tags in SEM images of samples bonded with AdheSE self-etching adhesive, in contrast to samples bonded with sodium hypochlorite followed by AdheSE self-etching adhesive.



CONCLUSION: The application of 5.25% commercial sodium hypochlorite with rubbing action for 60 s (total application time 120 s) seems to positively influence the TBS of the self-etching adhesive; however, it has no significant effect on TBS of etch-and-rinse single-bottle adhesive to dentin. The addition of functional roughness parameters to study the dentin surface was shown to be of importance in evaluating the relationship between bond strength and surface topography of conditioned dentin.