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Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod.2009 Apr;107(4):513-8.

インプラントの安定性を評価する2つの非侵襲的手法の比較研究:PeriotestとOsstell Mentorである

A comparative study of two noninvasive techniques to evaluate implant stability: Periotest and Osstell Mentor.

PMID: 19095473



本研究の目的は、臨床におけるインプラントの安定性を判定するための非破壊分析ツールとして、PeriotestとOsstell Mentor(共振周波数分析)の有用性を検討し、両測定器の精度を評価し、臨床的に関連する指標としての測定値の適用性を判定することである。

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to examine the usefulness of Periotest and Osstell Mentor (a resonance frequency analysis) as nondestructive analytical tools for determining implant stability in clinics, to evaluate the precision of both instruments, and to determine the applicability of these measured values as clinically relevant indices.


体重約12~15kgの雑種犬成犬4頭を本研究に使用した。下顎第一小臼歯から第四小臼歯の両側抜歯を行い、抜歯後4週目に市販の純チタン製スクリューインプラント(USII Plus; OSTEM Implant, Seoul, Republic of Korea)を合計48本埋入した。すべてのインプラント(長さ10mm、直径3.3mm)はセルフタッピングで、再吸収性ブラストメディア(RBM)で表面処理した。Periotestから得られたPTV(Periotest values)とOsstell Mentorから得られたISQ(Implant Stability Quotient)を、埋入時と埋入3週後および6週後に測定した。インプラント埋入3週後と6週後に、4頭のイヌを人道的方法で殺処分し、組織形態分析を行った。インプラント周囲新生骨形成率(NBFR)を測定した。

STUDY DESIGN: Four adult mongrel dogs weighing about 12 to 15 kg were used in this study. Bilateral extractions of the first through the fourth mandibular and maxillary premolars were performed and a total of 48 commercially pure titanium screw implants (USII Plus; OSTEM Implant, Seoul, Republic of Korea) were placed at 4 weeks after extraction. All implants (10 mm length and 3.3 mm diameter) were self-tapping and surface-treated with resorbable blast media (RBM). Periotest values (PTVs) obtained from Periotest, and Implant Stability Quotient (ISQ) obtained from Osstell Mentor, were measured at the time of implantation, and 3 and 6 weeks after implantation. At 3 and 6 weeks after implantation, 4 dogs were humanely killed and histomorphometric analysis was performed. The new peri-implant bone formation rate (NBFR) was measured.



RESULTS: The PTV value was lower and ISQ value was higher at 6 weeks when compared with data collected at 3 weeks after implantation. The PTVs of the maxilla were higher than the mandible and the ISQ values of the maxilla were lower than the mandible. Based on the NBFR, the 6-week group showed higher bone formation when compared to the 3-week group, correlating to the observed PTV and ISQ values. Additionally, the NBFR was higher in the maxilla than the mandible. No significant difference between PTV and ISQ was also observed when PTV and ISQ were compared to NBFR.


この結果から、非侵襲的診断装置であるPeriotestとOsstell Mentorは、インプラントの安定性を評価する上で有用であり、比較的に信頼性が高く、互いに強い関連性を示すことが示された。

CONCLUSION: The results indicated that the Periotest and Osstell Mentor, both noninvasive diagnostic devices, were useful and comparably reliable, showing a strong association with each other in assessing implant stability.