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Lasers Surg Med.2009 Sep;41(7):520-3.


Laser induced explosive vapor and cavitation resulting in effective irrigation of the root canal. Part 2: evaluation of the efficacy.

PMID: 19639621




BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Limited information exists regarding the efficacy of laser activated irrigation (LAI) on removal of root canal debris. This study compares the efficacy of LAI for removal of debris in root canals as compared to conventional irrigation (CI) and passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI).


0.06のテーパーと先端径ISO 40に調製した直根で分割歯模型を作製した。根管壁の片側半分に、根管終端まで2~6mmの位置に垂直溝を切り、歯質カスを充填した。1群では根管に2.5%NaOClを針先停止部より1mm短い位置で手操作(20秒)、2群ではNaOClを針先停止部より1mm短い位置でIrisafeチップを用いて超音波活性化(20秒)、3群ではNaOClをEr,Cr:YSGGレーザー(Z2 Endolaseチップ-200μmファイバー、5秒×4回、75mJ、20Hz、針先停止部より5mmで静止)で活性化した。溝内の象牙質残渣量をスコアリングシステムで評価した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A splitted tooth model was constructed with straight roots prepared to a 0.06 taper and an apical diameter of ISO 40. A vertical groove was cut in the canal wall at 2-6 mm to the end of the canal in one halve of the root canal wall and filled with dentinal debris. In group 1 root canals were irrigated with 2.5% NaOCl by hand (20 seconds) with the needle 1 mm short from the apical stop, in group 2 NaOCl was ultrasonically activated (20 seconds) with an Irrisafe tip 1 mm short from the apical stop, and in group 3 NaOCl was activated with an Er,Cr:YSGG laser (Z2 Endolase tip -200 microm fiber, four times for 5 seconds, 75 mJ, 20 Hz, stationary at 5 mm from the apical stop). The remaining quantity of dentin debris in the groove was evaluated using a scoring system.



RESULTS: LAI resulted in significantly less debris than PUI (P<0.005) and CI (P<0.0005). PUI also showed significantly less debris than CI (P<0.005).



CONCLUSION: Under the conditions of this study LAI is statistically significantly more effective in removing artificially placed dentin debris in a root canal as PUI and CI.