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  • Margaret P Adam
  • Holly H Ardinger
  • Roberta A Pagon
  • Stephanie E Wallace
  • Lora JH Bean
  • Karen Stephens
  • Anne Amemiya
  • Matthew K Preston
  • Rabi Tawil
  • Leo H Wang
PMID: 20301616




CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) typically presents with weakness of the facial muscles, the stabilizers of the scapula, or the dorsiflexors of the foot. Severity is highly variable. Weakness is slowly progressive and approximately 20% of affected individuals eventually require a wheelchair. Life expectancy is not shortened.



DIAGNOSIS/TESTING: The diagnosis of FSHD1 is established in a proband with characteristic clinical features by identification of a heterozygous pathogenic contraction of the D4Z4 repeat array in the subtelomeric region of chromosome 4q35 on a chromosome 4 permissive haplotype. The diagnosis of FSHD2 is established in a proband by identification of hypomethylation of the D4Z4 repeat array in the subtelomeric region of chromosome 4q35 on a chromosome 4 permissive haplotype. Hypomethylation of the D4Z4 repeat array can be due to a heterozygous pathogenic variant in or .


適切な運動レジメンを確立するための理学療法士との相談;可動性を改善し転倒を防ぐための足首/足部装具;乳児期発症者における作業療法および言語療法;肩甲骨を胸壁に外科的に固定することで、短期的には腕の可動域が改善されることがある。理学療法と薬物療法による慢性疼痛の管理;呼吸機能のモニタリング;強膜の乾燥を防ぐための潤滑剤や、暴露性角膜炎の治療のために睡眠中に目を閉じるテーピング;眼科医による網膜血管障害の治療;感音性難聴の標準的な治療。 年次理学療法評価;プライマリケア医または理学療法士の定期的な診察で疼痛を評価すべきである;異常なPFT、重度の近位脱力症、後弯症、車椅子依存、または換気に影響を及ぼす併存疾患を有する患者における低換気のスクリーニング;FVC<のための肺相談。60%、過度の日中の傾眠または非回復性睡眠、および麻酔を必要とする外科処置の前;D4Z4の大きな病因性収縮を伴う早期発症FSHDおよび視覚症状を伴う成人の患者では年1回の拡張型眼科検査;乳児では毎回の受診時に、小児では年1回の聴力検査。

MANAGEMENT: Consultation with a physical therapist to establish appropriate exercise regimen; ankle/foot orthoses to improve mobility and prevent falls; occupational and speech therapy in individuals with infantile onset; surgical fixation of the scapula to the chest wall may improve range of motion of the arms over the short term; management of chronic pain by physical therapy and medication; monitoring respiratory function; lubricants to prevent drying of the sclera or taping the eyes shut during sleep to treat exposure keratitis; treatment for retinal vasculopathy as per ophthalmologist; standard treatment of sensorineural hearing loss. Annual physical therapy assessment; Pain should be assessed at regular visits to the primary care physician or physical therapist; screening for hypoventilation in individuals with abnormal PFTs, severe proximal weakness, kyphoscoliosis, wheelchair dependence, or comorbid disease affecting ventilation; pulmonary consultation for FVC <60%, excessive daytime somnolence or nonrestorative sleep, and prior to surgical procedures requiring anesthesia; annual dilated ophthalmoscopy in individuals with early childhood-onset FSHD with large pathogenic contraction of D4Z4 and adults with visual symptoms; audiometry in infants at each visit and annually in children.


FSHD1は常染色体優性遺伝します。約 70%~90% の人が親から疾患の原因となる欠失を受け継いでおり、また、約 10%~30% の人が欠失の結果として FSHD を発症しています。影響を受けた個体の子孫は、欠失を受け継ぐ確率が 50%です。D4Z4 病原性収縮が家族内で確認されている場合、リスクの高い妊娠のための出生前検査が可能です。FSHD2は先天的に遺伝する。

GENETIC COUNSELING: FSHD1 is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. Approximately 70%-90% of individuals have inherited the disease-causing deletion from a parent, and approximately 10%-30% of affected individuals have FSHD as the result of a deletion. Offspring of an affected individual have a 50% chance of inheriting the deletion. Prenatal testing for pregnancies at increased risk is possible if the D4Z4 pathogenic contraction has been identified in the family. FSHD2 is inherited in a digenic manner.

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