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Int J Dent.2009;2009:846081.


Poor dental status and oral hygiene practices in institutionalized older people in northeast Brazil.

PMID: 20339459


本研究では、施設入所高齢者の歯の状態と口腔衛生習慣について説明し、歯の状態の悪さに関連する要因を明らかにする。セアラ州(ブラジル北東部)の州都であるフォルタレザの老人ホームで横断研究を実施した。老人ホームの入居者(n=167,平均年齢76.6歳)を対象に,虫歯,欠損,充填歯の数(DMFT)を評価した.DMFTの平均値は29.7であり,平均欠損歯数は28.4であった.93人(58.1%)が無歯顎であった.ほぼ9割が口腔衛生を実践していたが,歯ブラシを使用していたのは約半数のみであった.過去3カ月間に歯科医を受診したのはわずか8%であった。口腔衛生習慣に関する変数(歯ブラシの使用,1日の口腔衛生頻度,食後の定期的な歯磨きなど)のほとんどは,DMFTと有意な関連を示さなかった.多変量回帰分析では、年齢、一般的な識字レベル、口腔衛生の実践がDMFTと独立して関連していた(R(2)=0.13)。ブラジル北東部の施設入所高齢者の歯の状態は悪く、口腔衛生の実践は不十分である。このような社会経済的に恵まれない高齢者の QOL を向上させるためには,特別なニーズに焦点を当てた歯科保健教育が必要である.

In this study we describe the dental status and oral hygiene practices in institutionalized older people and identify factors associated with poor dental status. A cross-sectional study was performed in a nursing home in Fortaleza, the capital of Ceará State (northeast Brazil). The number of decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT) was assessed in the residents of the nursing home (n = 167; mean age = 76.6 years). The mean DMFT value was 29.7; the mean number of missing teeth was 28.4. Ninety-three (58.1%) were edentulous. Almost 90% practiced oral hygiene, but only about half used a toothbrush. Only 8% had visited a dentist in the preceding three months. Most of the variables regarding oral hygiene habits (such as the use of toothbrush, frequency of oral hygiene per day, regular tooth brushing after meals) did not show any significant association with the DMFT. In multivariate regression analysis, age, general literacy level, and practice of oral hygiene were independently associated with the DMFT (R(2) = 0.13). Institutionalized older people in northeast Brazil have poor dental status, and oral hygiene practices are insufficient. Dental health education is needed focusing on the special needs of this neglected and socioeconomically deprived population to improve their quality of life.