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J Endod.2010 Aug;36(8):1372-6.


Influence of the oscillation direction of an ultrasonic file on the cleaning efficacy of passive ultrasonic irrigation.

PMID: 20647099




INTRODUCTION: The cleaning mechanisms and characteristics of passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) are not yet completely understood. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the oscillatory direction of the ultrasonically driven file had an influence on dentin debris removal from artificially made grooves in standardized root canals.


片側の根管壁の先端部分に象牙質破片で満たされた標準的な溝を有する 20 個の生体外根管模型のそれぞれに、溝に向かってファイルを振動させるか、溝に対して垂直にファイルを振動させる PUI を繰り返し行った。各灌流処置後、溝内の象牙質破片の量を溝の写真とスコアリングにより評価した。また、超音波ファイルの振動を、洗浄プロセスに関連した時間スケール(10マイクロ秒オーダー)で高速画像化することにより、in vitroで可視化した。

METHODS: Each of 20 ex vivo root canal models with a standard groove in the apical portion of one canal wall filled with dentin debris received PUI repeatedly, either with file oscillation toward the groove or with file oscillation perpendicular to the groove. After each irrigation procedure, the amount of dentin debris in the groove was evaluated by photographs of the groove and by scoring. The oscillations of the ultrasonic file were also visualized in vitro by using high-speed imaging at a time scale relevant to the cleaning process, order 10 microseconds.


ノンパラメトリック分析では、ファイルが溝に向かって振動した場合に、象牙質の削りカスが有意に減少した(P = 0.002)。高速度画像から、ファイルの振動は単一平面であり、その結果、ファイル先端から振動方向に高速ジェットが噴出することが示された。

RESULTS: A nonparametric analysis showed significantly more dentin debris reduction when the file oscillated toward the groove (P = .002). High-speed imaging showed that the oscillation of the file is in a single plane, resulting in high-velocity jets emanating from the file tip in the direction of the oscillations.



CONCLUSIONS: Oscillation of the ultrasonically driven file toward the groove is more effective in removing dentin debris from the groove than oscillation perpendicular to the groove, which can be related to the fact that there is a high-velocity jet from the file tip in a single direction following the file oscillation and a relatively slow inflow in the perpendicular direction.