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J Appl Oral Sci.2011;19(6):668-73.


The effectiveness of chemical denture cleansers and ultrasonic device in biofilm removal from complete dentures.

PMID: 22231005




UNLABELLED: Adequate denture hygiene can prevent and treat infection in edentulous patients. They are usually elderly and have difficulty for brushing their teeth.



OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the efficacy of complete denture biofilm removal using chemical (alkaline peroxide-effervescent tablets), mechanical (ultrasonic) and combined (association of the effervescent and ultrasonic) methods.


総義歯装着者80名が21日間の実験に参加した。(1)水によるブラッシング(コントロール)、(2)発泡性錠剤(コレガタブ)、(3)超音波装置(超音波クリーナー、モデル2840 D)、(4)発泡性錠剤と超音波装置の併用、の4群(n=20)に分けた。すべてのグループが、治療前に特定のブラシ(Bitufo)と水で1日3回義歯をブラッシングした。ベースライン時と21日後に義歯のバイオフィルムを採取した。バイオフィルムを定量化するため、上顎総義歯の内面を染色し、45°の角度で写真を撮影した。写真を処理し、面積(バイオフィルムで染色された内面全体)を定量化した(Image Tool 2.02)。バイオフィルムの割合は、バイオフィルムの面積に100を乗じた値と上顎総義歯の内表面の総面積との比率で算出した。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Eighty complete denture wearers participated in the experiment for 21 days. They were distributed into 4 groups (n=20): (1) Brushing with water (Control); (2) Effervescent tablets (Corega Tabs); (3) Ultrasonic device (Ultrasonic Cleaner, model 2840 D); (4) Association of effervescent tablets and ultrasonic device. All groups brushed their dentures with a specific brush (Bitufo) and water, 3 times a day, before applying their treatments. Denture biofilm was collected at baseline and after 21 days. To quantify the biofilm, the internal surfaces of the maxillary complete dentures were stained and photographed at 45º. The photographs were processed and the areas (total internal surface stained with biofilm) quantified (Image Tool 2.02). The percentage of the biofilm was calculated by the ratio between the biofilm area multiplied by 100 and the total area of the internal surface of the maxillary complete denture.



RESULTS: The Kruskal-Wallis test was used for comparison among groups followed by the Dunn multiple-comparison test. All tests were performed respecting a significance level of 0.05. Significant difference was found among the treatments (KW=21.18; P<0.001), the mean ranks for the treatments and results for Dunn multiple comparison test were: Control (60.9); Chemical (37.2); Mechanical (35.2) and Combined (29.1).



CONCLUSION: The experimental methods were equally effective regarding the ability to remove biofilm and were superior to the control method (brushing with water). Immersion in alkaline peroxide and ultrasonic vibration can be used as auxiliary agents for cleaning complete dentures.