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J Endod.2012 Feb;38(2):240-4.


Dentin moisture conditions affect the adhesion of root canal sealers.

PMID: 22244645




INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of intraradicular moisture conditions on the push-out bond strength of root canal sealers.


(1)エタノール(ドライ):余分な蒸留水をペーパーポイントで除去した後、95%エタノールで脱水したもの、(2)ペーパーポイント:ペーパーポイントで根管内をブロット乾燥し、最後に乾燥したものを示したもの、(3)モイスト:ルアーアダプターを使用して低真空で5秒間根管内を乾燥させた後、ペーパーポイント1箇所で1秒間乾燥させたもの、(4)ウェット:根管内を完全に浸水させたままとしたもの。歯根はさらに、使用したシーラーによって4つのサブグループに分けられた:(1) AH Plus (Dentsply-Tulsa Dental, Tulsa, OK)、(2) iRoot SP (Innovative BioCeramix Inc, Vancouver, Canada)、(3) MTA Fillapex (Angelus Indústria de Produtos Odontológicos S/A, Londrina, Brasil)、(4) Epiphany (Pentron Clinical Technologies, Wallingford, CT)。各根サンプルから1mm厚のスライスを5枚ずつ採取した(n = 25枚/グループ)。試験材料の根管象牙質に対する接着強さは、クロスヘッド速度1 mm/minの押し出し試験セットアップを用いて測定した。データは、二元配置分散分析およびTukey検定により、P = .05で統計的に分析した。

METHODS: Eighty root canals were prepared using rotary instruments and, thereafter, were assigned to 4 groups with respect to the moisture condition tested: (1) ethanol (dry): excess distilled water was removed with paper points followed by dehydration with 95% ethanol, (2) paper points: the canals were blot dried with paper points with the last one appearing dry, (3) moist: the canals were dried with low vacuum by using a Luer adapter for 5 seconds followed by 1 paper point for 1 second, and (4) wet: the canals remained totally flooded. The roots were further divided into 4 subgroups according to the sealer used: (1) AH Plus (Dentsply-Tulsa Dental, Tulsa, OK), (2) iRoot SP (Innovative BioCeramix Inc, Vancouver, Canada), (3) MTA Fillapex (Angelus Indústria de Produtos Odontológicos S/A, Londrina, Brasil), and (4) Epiphany (Pentron Clinical Technologies, Wallingford, CT). Five 1-mm-thick slices were obtained from each root sample (n = 25 slices/group). Bond strengths of the test materials to root canal dentin were measured using a push-out test setup at a cross-head speed of 1 mm/min. The data were analyzed statistically by two-way analysis of variance and Tukey tests at P = .05.


水分条件にかかわらず、iRoot SPは歯根象牙質に対して最も高い接着強度を示した。接着強度の統計的順位は以下の通りであった:iRoot SP > AH Plus > Epiphany ≥ MTA Fillapex。シーラーは、湿潤(3)および湿潤(4)条件下で、それぞれ最も高い接着強度と最も低い接着強度を示した。

RESULTS: Irrespective of the moisture conditions, iRoot SP displayed the highest bond strength to root dentin. Statistical ranking of bond strength values was as follows: iRoot SP > AH Plus > Epiphany ≥ MTA Fillapex. The sealers displayed their highest and lowest bond strengths under moist (3) and wet (4) conditions, respectively.



CONCLUSIONS: The degree of residual moisture significantly affects the adhesion of root canal sealers to radicular dentin. For the tested sealers, it may be advantageous to leave canals slightly moist before filling.