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J Dent.2012 Apr;40(4):312-21.


Effect of fibre post length and adhesive strategy on fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth after fatigue loading.

PMID: 22285922




OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of the length of fibre-posts(1) and type of adhesive cement(2) on the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth, after fatigue loading.


80本の抜歯した上顎前臼歯をCEJで切断し、歯内療法を行った。37℃で24時間保存した後、RelyX Post(3M-ESPE)をPanavia F 2.0(クラレ)またはRelyX Unicem(3M-ESPE)でセメント接着した。標準化されたコンポジットコアが構築された。試験片をポストコアの比率によって4つのグループに分け、(A)2/1(コントロール)、(B)3/2、(C)1/1(小径)、(D)1/1(大径)とし、咀嚼シミュレーター(Willytech)を用いて120万サイクルに供した。その直後に、疲労負荷に耐えたすべての試験片を、万能負荷装置(マイクロテスター、インストロン)を用いて破断させた。データはANOVAを用いて分析した。

METHODS: Eighty extracted upper pre-molars were sectioned at the CEJ and endodontically treated. After 24 h of water storage at 37°C, RelyX Posts (3M-ESPE) were cemented with Panavia F 2.0 (Kuraray) or RelyX Unicem (3M-ESPE). A standardized composite core was built. Specimens were divided into four groups depending on the post-core ratio: (A) 2/1 (control); (B) 3/2; (C) 1/1 (small diameter); (D) 1/1(large diameter) and submitted to 1,200,000 cycles using a chewing simulator (Willytech). Immediately afterwards, all specimens that survived fatigue loading were fractured using a universal loading device (Micro-tester, Instron). Data were analysed with ANOVA.



RESULTS: Four percent of the specimens failed during fatigue loading. The length of the post into the root affected the fracture resistance. The statistical outcome varied according to the inclusion of specimens failed during fatigue loading. However, the control group always had the lowest fracture resistance. The type of adhesive cement did not affect the fracture resistance. A prevalence of not-repairable failures was observed in specimens restored with the longest posts, whilst shorter posts led to more repairable failures.



CONCLUSIONS: Shortening the post length and the ensuing preservation of more tooth structure, offer the potential for reparability through an in-built fail safe mechanism and may thus reduce the occurrence of catastrophic failures.