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J Oral Rehabil.2012 Oct;39(10):767-75.


Evaluation of stress and pain during rapid maxillary expansion treatments.

PMID: 22783926


本研究の目的は、唾液中コルチゾール値、圧痛閾値(PPT)、Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children(STAIC)を用いて、小児の急速上顎拡大術(RME)の拡大期および維持期におけるストレス、不安、痛みを評価し、このパラメータが性別や骨格の成熟段階と関連しているかどうかを調査することである。STAICを用いて小児の不安レベルを評価した。ストレスホルモン測定のために唾液サンプルを採取した。痛みの判定にはVisual Analog Scaleを用いた。圧痛閾値(PPT)はアルゴメータを用いて測定した。データ収集は、RME治療の1週間前(T0)、拡張装置を接着した日(T1)、拡張スクリューの1、4、7、14、25、36回目の作動日(T2、T3、T4、T5、T6、T7)、および3ヶ月の保定期間後(T8)に行った。本研究の結果、治療中のコルチゾール値は、日内(P<0-001)および時間内(P<0-001)で統計的に有意な差が認められた。PPT値は、性差および骨格成熟段階内で統計的に有意であった(P<0-05)。State-trait不安尺度の得点は、性別に関して同程度であった(P>0-05)。State-trait不安尺度のスコアは、治療前と治療後で統計的に有意な差がみられた(P<0-05)。痛みを訴える患者数が最も多かったのはT3とT4の日であった。T5日目から痛みを訴える患者の割合は徐々に減少した。本研究の結果より、RMEは患者の状態-特性不安およびコルチゾールレベルに変化をもたらすことが示された。

The purpose of this study was to use salivary cortisol levels, pressure pain threshold (PPT) and Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC) to assess stress, anxiety and pain during the expansion and retention phase of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) in children and investigate to whether this parameters are associated with gender or skeletal maturity stages. STAIC was used to assess the anxiety levels of the children. Salivary samples were collected for stress hormone determination. Visual Analog Scale was used for pain determination. Pressure pain threshold (PPT) was measured by using algometer. Data collection was performed a week before RME treatment (T0), at the day of the expansion appliance was bonded (T1), at the days of 1st, 4th, 7th, 14th, 25th, 36th activations of expansion screw (T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) and after the retention period of 3 months (T8). The results of this study showed that the differences were statistically significant within-day (P < 0·001) and within-hours (P < 0·001) in cortisol levels during treatment. PPT levels were statistically significant within sex differences and skeletal maturity stages (P < 0·05). State-trait anxiety scale scores were similar with respect to gender (P > 0·05). There were statistically significant differences of state-trait anxiety levels between pre and post-treatment stages (P < 0·05). The maximum number of patients reporting pain were days at T3 and T4. From day T5 the percentage of patients reporting pain then gradually reduced. Based on the findings of this study, it has been shown that RME leads to changes in patients' state-trait anxiety and cortisol levels.