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J Adv Prosthodont.2012 Aug;4(3):153-7.


A comparative study to measure the condylar guidance by the radiographic and clinical methods.

PMID: 22977723




PURPOSE: The study was conducted to compare the radiographic and clinical methods of measuring the horizontal condylar guidance (HCG) values.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: The condylar guidance was measured using the radiographic (CT scan) and three clinical methods i.e. the wax protrusive records, Lucia jig record and intraoral central bearing device in 12 patients aged between 20-40 years irrespective of sex. The records were taken and transferred on the semi-adjustable articulator to record the HCG values. The CT scan was taken for 3D reconstruction of the mid facial region. Frankfort horizontal plane (FHP) and a line extending from the superior anterior most point on the glenoid fossa to the most convex point on the apex of articular eminence (AE) was marked on the CT scan. An angle between these two lines was measured on both right and left sides to obtain condylar inclination angle. Three interocclusal protrusive wax and jig records were taken and transferred to the semi adjustable articulator. Three readings were recorded on each side. Similarly the records were taken and transferred to the same articulator using the intra oral central bearing device to record the readings.


統計解析の結果、HCG値の左右差は有意ではなかった[P=.589(CT)、P=.928(ワックス)、P=.625(ジグ)、P=.886(トレーサー)]。臨床的手法では、CT値と比較して、左側だけでなく右側でも低いPearsons相関値[(R = 0.423 (wax), R = 0.354 (jig), R = 0.265 (tracer)]を示した。臨床的手法のうち、治具法とワックス法は統計学的に有意な強い関連性を示したが、口腔内トレーサー法は他の2つの手法との関連性が弱かった。

RESULTS: The statistical analysis showed insignificant differences in the HCG values between the right and left sides [(P=.589 (CT), P=.928 (wax), P=.625 (jig), P=.886 (tracer)]. The clinical methods provided low Pearsons correlation values [(R = 0.423 (wax), R = 0.354 (jig), R = 0.265 (tracer)] for the right as well as the left sides when compared with the CT values. Among the clinical methods, jig and wax method showed strong level of association which is statistically significant while the intra-oral tracer showed weak association with the other two methods.



CONCLUSION: The right and left HCG values were almost similar. The CT scan showed higher HCG values than the clinical methods and among the clinical methods, values obtained from all the methods were comparable.