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J Endod.2012 Nov;38(11):1479-83.


Comparison of the effect of two endodontic irrigation protocols on the elimination of bacteria from root canal system: a prospective, randomized clinical trial.

PMID: 23063221




INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this prospective, randomized clinical study was to compare the results of a nonactivated single-irrigation protocol (NAI) that used only 1% NaOCl with a passive ultrasonic multi-irrigation protocol (PUI) that used 1% NaOCl, 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, and 2% chlorhexidine in rendering canals bacteria free. In addition, the effect of a second-visit instrumentation after intra-appointment calcium hydroxide (CaOH(2)) was also evaluated in bacterial elimination.


臼歯部歯根膜炎の一次歯内療法を必要とする臼歯部患者50名を対象とした。標準的な非外科的歯内療法を、水酸化カルシウムを用いた2回の訪問アプローチで両群に行った。歯は、インスツルメンテーション終了後、初診時にNAIまたはPUIのプロトコールで無作為に治療された。細菌培養は、治療中の4つの時期に管腔から採取した:(1)インスツルメンテーション前、(2)イリゲーションプロトコル後、(3)CaOH(2)投薬後、(4)オブチュレーション前。統計分析は、Fisher exact検定と多変量解析を用いて行った。

METHODS: Fifty patients were recruited with a posterior tooth requiring primary endodontic treatment of apical periodontitis. Standard nonsurgical endodontic therapy was performed on both groups in a 2-visit approach by using calcium hydroxide intracanal medicament. Teeth were randomly treated with the NAI or PUI protocols in the first visit after complete instrumentation. Bacterial cultures were obtained at 4 periods during treatment from the canals: (1) before instrumentation, (2) after irrigation protocol, (3) after CaOH(2) medication, and (4) before obturation. Statistical analysis was performed on data by using the Fisher exact test and multivariate analysis.


NAIとPUIは、初診時の終了時にそれぞれ80%と84%の細菌を除去した。CaOH(2)投薬後の総サンプル(NAI + PUI)の無菌率は87%に増加し、2回目の訪問では合計91%の無菌率となった。これらの差は有意ではなかった(P > 0.05)。

RESULTS: NAI and PUI rendered canals 80% and 84% bacteria free, respectively, at the end of the first visit. After CaOH(2) medication the total sample (NAI + PUI) had increased to 87% bacteria free, and the second-visit instrumentation resulted in a total of 91% bacteria free. These differences were not significant (P > .05).



CONCLUSIONS: There was no statistical difference between irrigation methods. Each protocol resulted in a high frequency of negative cultures. This high frequency of negative cultures obtained in 1 visit is most likely related to an increased volume and depth of irrigation compared with previously reported protocols.