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Community Dent Health.2012 Dec;29(4):284-8.


Children's views on the experience of a visual examination and intra-oral photographs to detect dental caries in epidemiological studies.

PMID: 23488210




AIM: To elicit children's views on the established visual examination method used for the epidemiological surveillance of dental caries and an experimental intra-oral photographic examination method.



METHOD: Focus group interviews were conducted with 5-year-olds (with the aid of a puppet) and 10/11-year-olds (without puppet) after experiencing both methods. Ten focus groups were conducted in each cohort.


子どもたちの方法に対する意見は、体験の受け入れやすさに関連していた。受け入れやすさと嗜好に影響する主な要因は、検査前の文脈的要因と検査中の経験の複合的影響に関連していた。これには、コミュニケーションや子どもたちの期待などが含まれる。これらの要因は、環境に対する感情や口の中の器具による触覚とともに、検査体験に影響を与えた。ほとんどの子どもは、う蝕検知の手段として、従来の視覚的検査よりも実験的な写真撮影法を好んだ。また、口腔内の健康状態に関するフィードバックや、検査中に何が起こっているのかに関するより多くのコミュニケーションを望んでいた。結論 適切なコミュニケーション、検査環境および器具の取り扱いへの配慮は、学校環境における児童の歯科検診経験を向上させることができる。児童の嗜好から、一般的に口腔内カメラは学校環境における疫学調査のう蝕検出手段として好評であることが示された。これらの結果は、今後倫理的承認を得て、児童を対象とした疫学研究を実施する際に示唆を与えるものと考えられる。

RESULTS: The children's views on the methods related to the acceptability of their experience. The key factors affecting acceptability and preferences related to the combined effects of contextual factors prior to the examination and experiences during the examination. These included communication and children's expectations. These factors influenced the examination experience along with their feelings about the environment and the tactile sensation from instruments in the mouth. Most children preferred the experimental photographic method as a means of caries detection over the traditional visual examination. They also wanted feedback on their oral health and more communication on what was happening during the examination. CONCLUSION Appropriate communication, attention to the examination environment and handling of instruments can enhance the dental examination experience for children in the school setting. The children's preferences indicated that generally, the intra-oral camera was well received as a means of caries detection for epidemiological studies within the school setting. These results may have implications for seeking ethical approval and conducting epidemiological studies on children in the future.