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Clin Oral Implants Res.2014 Jul;25(7):768-73.


Retrospective success and survival rates of dental implants placed with simultaneous bone augmentation in partially edentulous patients.

PMID: 23647237




AIM: The aim of this study was to assess the success and survival rate of dental implants placed with simultaneous hard tissue grafting.



MATERIAL AND METHODS: All patients treated in Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne who had implant placement with and without guided bone regeneration (GBR) procedures were identified. Seventy-three attended a follow-up appointment. These patients were examined recording probing depth, bleeding on probing, plaque accumulation and radiographic bone loss by one examiner. Clinical and radiographic findings were compared in grafted and non-grafted groups and also analysed for years in function.


約50%のインプラントが同時ガイド下骨再生法で埋入された。ほとんどの症例で、欠損部は脱タンパク化牛骨ミネラルで充填され、コラーゲン膜で覆われていた。機能維持期間は20~88ヵ月で、平均34.8ヵ月(±1.7ヵ月)であった。上顎前歯部に埋入されたインプラントの79%がGBRで埋入され、下顎後歯部では18%のみが移植処置を必要とした。検査時の累積インプラント生存率は、GBR群、非GBR群ともに97.95%であった。平均PPD、BOP、Plaque indexは、GBR群と非GBR群の2~7年後の機能に統計的有意差はなかった。しかし、機能開始後2~7年の骨量減少は、GBR群で有意に少なかった。全体的な成功率は、機能開始2~7年後で約90%であり、GBR群は非GBR群よりわずかに低かったが、統計学的有意差はなかった。

RESULTS: Approximately 50% of implants were placed simultaneous guided bone regeneration technique. In the majority of cases, defects were filled by deproteinized bovine bone mineral and covered with collagen membrane. The range of time in function was 20-88 months with a mean 34.8 (±1.7). Seventy-nine per cent of the implants placed in anterior maxilla were placed with GBR, while only 18% in posterior mandible needed grafting procedure. The cumulative implant survival rates at the time of examination was 97.95% for both GBR and non-GBR group. The mean PPD, BOP, and Plaque index were not statistically significantly different in GBR vs. non-GBR groups two to seven years in function. However, bone loss is significantly less in GBR group 2-7 years after function. The overall success rate was around 90% after 2-7 years in function with the GBR group slightly less than the non-GBR group, but not statistically significant.


このレトロスペクティブ研究に含まれる被験者のデータは、GBRが予 測可能な手技であることを示している。同時GBRで挿入されたインプラントの生存率および成功 率は、非グラフト・インプラントと比較して、わずかに低いもの の、同程度であった。

CONCLUSIONS: For the subjects included in this retrospective study, the data demonstrate that GBR is a predictable procedure. The survival and success rates of the implants inserted with simultaneous GBR were similar, if slightly lower, to the non-grafted implants.