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Trials.2013 Sep;14:278.


Efficacy of composite versus ceramic inlays and onlays: study protocol for the CECOIA randomized controlled trial.

PMID: 24004961




BACKGROUND: Dental caries is a common disease and affects many adults worldwide. Inlay or onlay restoration is widely used to treat the resulting tooth substance loss. Two esthetic materials can be used to manufacture an inlay/onlay restoration of the tooth: ceramic or composite. Here, we present the protocol of a multicenter randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing the clinical efficacy of both materials for tooth restoration. Other objectives are analysis of overall quality, wear, restoration survival and prognosis.


CEramic and COmposite Inlays Assessment (CECOIA)試験は、2つの病院と5つの開業医が参加する非盲検、並行群間、多施設共同RCTである。全部で400人の患者が対象となる。組み入れ基準は、1本の歯にインレー/オンレー修復が必要で(デンタルダムを使用して分離可能で、少なくとも1本の無傷の犬歯がある)、修復処置に耐えることができ、重度のブラキシズム、歯周病、う蝕疾患、口腔衛生不良がない成人である。虫歯組織を除去し、インレー/オンレーを装着するために窩洞を準備し、集中化されたウェブベースのインターフェイスを使用して患者を無作為に割り付けます:1) セラミックインレーまたはコンポジット インレーまたはオンレー。治療割り当てはバランスよく行われる(1:1)。インレー/オンレーは接着性で装着される。フォローアップ期間は2年間とし、延長する可能性もある。主要評価項目は、国際歯科連盟(FDI)のコンセンサス・インスツルメントを用いて得られたスコアである。副次的アウトカムには、この評価機器の項目、インレー/オンレーの摩耗、総合的な品質、インレー/オンレーの生存期間が含まれる。データは、治療法について盲検化された統計学者によって分析され、調整された順序ロジスティック回帰モデルを使用して、両材料の有効性を比較する。

METHODS: The CEramic and COmposite Inlays Assessment (CECOIA) trial is an open-label, parallel-group, multicenter RCT involving two hospitals and five private practices. In all, 400 patients will be included. Inclusion criteria are adults who need an inlay/onlay restoration for one tooth (that can be isolated with use of a dental dam and has at least one intact cusp), can tolerate restorative procedures and do not have severe bruxism, periodontal or carious disease or poor oral hygiene. The decayed tissue will be evicted, the cavity will be prepared for receiving an inlay/onlay and the patient will be randomized by use of a centralized web-based interface to receive: 1) a ceramic or 2) composite inlay or onlay. Treatment allocation will be balanced (1:1). The inlay/onlay will be adhesively luted. Follow-up will be for 2 years and may be extended; two independent examiners will perform the evaluations. The primary outcome measure will be the score obtained with use of the consensus instrument of the Fédération Dentaire Internationale (FDI) World Dental Federation. Secondary outcomes include this instrument's items, inlay/onlay wear, overall quality and survival of the inlay/onlay. Data will be analyzed by a statistician blinded to treatments and an adjusted ordinal logistic regression model will be used to compare the efficacy of both materials.



DISCUSSION: For clinicians, the CECOIA trial results may help with evidence-based recommendations concerning the choice of materials for inlay/onlay restoration. For patients, the results may lead to improvement in long-term restoration. For researchers, the results may provide ideas for further research concerning inlay/onlay materials and prognosis.This trial is funded by a grant from the French Ministry of Health.



TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01724827.