Comparison of orange oil and chloroform as gutta- percha solvents in endodontic retreatment.
PMID: 24171993
OBJECTIVE: To compare the efficacy of gutta-percha removal achieved with simple mechanical technique using two different solvents.
本研究は、パキスタンのカラチにあるアガ・カーン大学病院において、27本の抜歯したヒトの臼歯を交互にサンプリングして2つのグループに分け、in vitroの実験的研究を行ったものである。歯は手作業でヤスリをかけて整え、ガッタパーチャと水酸化カルシウムのシーラーで包帯を巻いた。指定された溶剤を2滴、閉塞した歯管の開口部に滴下し、Gates Glidden社のドリル#1、2、3を用いて歯冠部のガッタパーチャを除去した。残ったガッタパーチャの除去にはマニュアルファイリングを行い、溶剤は必要に応じて滴下して使用した。術後にペリアピカルX線写真を撮影し、管内に残ったガッタパーチャを可視化した。歯の種類,閉塞長,管の曲率などの変数の記述統計(平均とSD)を求めた。カイ二乗検定および独立標本t検定を適用し,有意水準は0.05とした.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: It was an in vitro experimental study conducted at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan on 27 extracted human molars divided into two groups by alternate sampling technique. The teeth were prepared by manual filing and obturated with gutta-percha and calcium hydroxide sealer. Two drops of the assigned solvent were placed on the orifice of the obturated canal and Gates Glidden drills #1, 2 and 3 were used for removal of coronal gutta-percha. Manual filing was done for removal of remaining gutta-percha and the solvent was used in drops until needed. Postoperative periapical radiographs were taken to visualize the remaining gutta-percha left in the canals. Descriptive statistics (mean and SD) of the variables such as tooth type, obturation length and canal curvatures were determined. Chi-square and independent sample t-tests were applied and level of significance was set at 0.05.
RESULTS: There was 5.19 (3.8) mm of remaining gutta-percha in the orange oil group and 5.37 (4.2) mm in the chloroform group (p=0.90).
CONCLUSION: There is no statistically significant difference between the orange oil and chloroform when used as solvent for removing gutta-percha.