Perceptions of dental professionals and laypeople to altered dental esthetics in cases with congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisors.
PMID: 24325825
BACKGROUND: The smile perception of patients is not strictly related to standardized protocols and technical implications which certainly affect clinicians' decisions. The absence of maxillary lateral incisors could affect smile esthetics either with treatment or not. The aim of the present study was to investigate if different perceptions on altered smiles due to missing maxillary lateral incisors, with or without treatment, exist among different groups of people (laypersons, adult orthodontic patients, general dentists, and orthodontists).
理想的なスマイルモデルを選択し、様々な不正咬合と治療オプションをシミュレートして変更しました。12 種類のシミュレーションを、一般人、成人矯正患者、一般歯科医、矯正歯科医の 4 種類の回答者に提出した。回答者は,各シミュレーションに対して,0~100 の視覚的アナログ尺度を用いてランク付けと評価を行い,笑顔の知覚を表現するよう求められた.各シミュレーションについて,回答者の4つのカテゴリー間で割り当てられた値に統計的に有意な差があるかどうかを調べるために,分散分析が使用された.
METHODS: An ideal smile model was selected and altered simulating different malocclusions and treatment options. Twelve simulations were submitted to four categories of respondents: laypeople, adult orthodontic patients, general dentists and orthodontists. They were asked to express smile perception for each simulation by ranking and rating simulations using a 0 to 100 visual analog scale. Analysis of variance was used to determine if there were statistically significant differences in values assigned among the four categories of respondents for each simulation.
RESULTS: Significant differences in smile perceptions were found between professionals (dentists and orthodontists) and laypeople. Presence of dental tipping and marked diastema in the arch were disharmonious aspects less tolerated in a smile by all categories of evaluators. Simulations associated with space closure orthodontic treatment were ranked as the most attractive smile and significantly ranked higher by dental professionals than patients and laypeople.
CONCLUSIONS: Treatment, absence of diastema, and symmetry were the most accepted characteristics by all categories of respondents. Ideal orthodontic treatment options might be overestimated by clinicians when compared to laypeople's smile perception.