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Clin Oral Implants Res.2015 Apr;26(4):e47-e50.


Implant counseling and information: questions, predictors, and decision-making of patients before implant therapy.

PMID: 24438331




BACKGROUND: Implant counseling and information must enable the patient to make his/her own independent decision (informed consent). However, there are indications that patient counseling and information often provides incomplete information.



METHODS: In 40 implant counseling and information sessions, all questions raised by the patients were documented during the session. The patient's decision for or against implant therapy was recorded 3 months later. The influence of the patient's age and gender, the type of insurance, the number of questions asked by the patient, the number of required implants, and the need for augmentation on the patient's decision were determined.



RESULTS: Sixty-five percentage of the patients decided in favor of implant-prosthetic therapy. One significant factor influencing the patient's decision was the need for augmentation. Fifty-four percentage of the patients who decided in favor of the implant intervention needed augmentation. Eighty-six percentage of the patients who refused the intervention could have been treated only in conjunction with pre-implantological augmentation. The need for augmentation was associated with a higher mean number of questions per counseling and information session (3.7 vs. 2.3) (n.s.). Patients who had opted for implant treatment asked significantly fewer questions (2.5) than patients who refused the treatment (4.4). The patient's age and gender, the type of insurance, or the number of implants required had no influence on decision-making.


多くの質問をする患者は、むしろインプラント治療を拒否する 傾向がある。また、増大術の必要性は、インプラントを拒否する割合と有意に高い関連性を示した。これらの結果は、増大術の適応がある患者には、特に詳細で包括的なカウンセリン グと情報が必要であることを示唆している。

CONCLUSION: Patients who ask many questions rather tend to refuse the implant treatment. The need for augmentation was also associated with a significantly higher percentage of implant refusal. These results suggest that patients with an indication of augmentation require particularly detailed and comprehensive counseling and information.