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Acta Odontol Scand.2014 Nov;72(8):954-62.


Influence of different drying methods on microtensile bond strength of self-adhesive resin cements to dentin.

PMID: 24922092




OBJECTIVE: This study investigated the effect of different drying methods of dentin surface on the bonding efficacy of self-adhesive resin cements (SRCs).


3種類のSRC(RelyX U200、RU;Maxcem Elite、ME;BisCem、BC)と1種類のレジン添加型グラスアイオノマーセメント(RelyX Luting 2、RL)を用いた。材料の特性は、熱重量分析および表面粗さと接触角の測定により評価した。ヒト象牙質表面を600グリット炭化ケイ素ペーパーで仕上げ,エタノール脱水,ブロット乾燥後10秒待つ乾燥,ブロット乾燥の3群に分けた.乾燥後の象牙質へのコンポジットオーバーレイの合着には、4種類のセメントを用いた。37℃,相対湿度100%で24時間保存した後,断面積0.8 mm(2)の棒状試験片を作製し,クロスヘッド速度0.5 mm/minで引張破壊応力を負荷した(n=27).破断した試験片の破壊モードは光学顕微鏡と走査型電子顕微鏡で評価した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three SRCs (RelyX U200, RU; Maxcem Elite, ME; and BisCem, BC) and one resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RelyX Luting 2, RL) were used. The characteristics of the materials were evaluated using thermogravimetric analysis and surface roughness and contact angle measurements. Human dentin surfaces were finished with 600-grit silicon carbide paper and assigned to three groups according to these drying methods: ethanol dehydration, drying by waiting for 10 s after blot-drying and blot-drying. The four cements were used for luting composite overlays to the dried dentin. After 24 h storage at 37°C and 100% relative humidity, stick-shaped specimens with a cross-sectional area of 0.8 mm(2) were prepared and stressed to failure in tension at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min (n = 27). Failure modes of fractured specimens were assessed by optical and scanning electron microscopy.


RLが最も親水性が高く、次いでBC、ME、RUの順であった。エタノールで脱水した象牙質に合着させたすべての合着セメントの接着強さはゼロであった。3種のSRCでは、ブロット乾燥よりも待機乾燥の方が高い微小引張接着強さを示した。RUは上記2つの象牙質条件で最も良好な接着性を示した.RLは、ブロット乾燥条件下で、待機乾燥条件下よりも有意に高い接着強さを示した(p < 0.001)。

RESULTS: RL was the most hydrophilic, followed by BC and ME and then RU. All the luting cements luted to ethanol-dehydrated dentin showed zero bond strengths. For the three SRCs, drying by waiting produced higher microtensile bond strengths than blot-drying. RU showed the best bonding performance in the above two dentin conditions. RL showed significantly higher bond strength in blot-drying condition than in drying-by-waiting (p < 0.001).



CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that dentin surface moisture has a crucial effect on the bond strength of SRCs.