Treatment outcome of the teeth with cemental tears.
PMID: 25052145
INTRODUCTION: A cemental tear is a special type of surface root fracture noted in combination with periodontal and/or periapical bony destruction. We hypothesized that clinical characteristics and treatment techniques may affect the prognosis of teeth with cemental tears.
METHODS: Treatment outcome for the teeth with a cemental tear was assessed in a multicenter cemental tear study project. Of the 71 teeth with cemental tears, 38 teeth (53.5%) were extracted. The remaining 33 teeth (46.5%) were examined for a treatment outcome of healed, questionable, or failed.
治療成績評価では、51.5%(17/33本)、42.4%(14/33本)、6.1%(2/33本)がそれぞれ治癒、疑問、失敗と分類された。加法的二変量解析により、治療結果と分離した根片の長さ(P = 0.01)および歯根端の位置(P = 0.02)との間に有意差があることが示された。ロジスティック回帰分析により、治療手技とセメント断裂のアピココロナール位置が治療結果に影響する可能性があることがわかった。根尖部、中間部、頸部3分の1に位置するセメント質断裂が治癒した症例の割合は、それぞれ11.1%、66.7%、60.0%であった。外科的治療により57.7%のセメント質断裂が治癒したが、非外科的治療では28.6%しか治癒しなかった。
RESULTS: Outcome assessment found that 51.5% (17/33), 42.4% (14/33), and 6.1% (2/33) of teeth were classified as healed, questionable, and failed, respectively. Additive bivariate analysis indicated a significant difference between treatment outcome and the length (P = .01) and apicocoronal location (P = .02) of the separated root fragments. Logistic regression analysis found that treatment technique and apicocoronal location of cemental tears may affect the treatment outcome. The percentage of healed cemental tear cases located in the apical, middle, and cervical third of roots was 11.1%, 66.7%, and 60.0%, respectively. By surgical management, 57.7% of cemental tears were healed, whereas only 28.6% cases were healed after nonsurgical treatment.
CONCLUSIONS: Most teeth with cemental tears can be retained to function by nonsurgical and surgical periodontal and endodontic treatment. Clinical diagnosis and treatment of cemental tears should also consider the apicocoronal location and the type of treatment technique to improve outcomes.