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Angle Orthod.2015 Jan;85(1):142-56.


Long-term surgical versus functional Class II correction: a comparison of identical twins.

PMID: 25075777



The purpose of this twin case comparison was to assess the short- and long-term effects of nonsurgical treatment vs orthognathic surgical treatment for Class II correction. Two identical twins (age 13 years 3 months) were treated for Class II correction where one patient was treated nonsurgically using a fixed functional appliance, while the other was treated using orthognathic mandibular advancement surgery. The patients were recalled and evaluated 5 years in retention. Comparing changes in the short and long term, surgical treatment led to superior skeletal results compared to the nonsurgical twin. However, the soft tissue profile was remarkably similar for both patients suggesting that soft tissue profile changes may not necessarily follow similar changes in the bony skeletal structures.