A survey report on effect of root canal fillings and coronal restorations on the periapical status of endodontically treated teeth in a selected group of population.
PMID: 25206199
AIM: A cross-sectional radiographic orthopantomogram (OPG) survey was done to determine the prevalence of apical periodontitis (AP) in root canal-treated teeth in a selected population, and to evaluate the influence of the coronal restorations (CR) and root canal fillings on the periapical status.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 250 OPGs were evaluated out of which root canal treatment (RCT) had been performed in 438 teeth which was taken as the sample size.
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Chi-square test, odds ratio and p-values were recorded.
歯内療法を行った歯の53.1%がX線写真上、APを呈していることがわかった。RCTが良好であった歯(32.3%)は,RCTが不良であった歯(92.7%)より有意にAPの発生が少なかった.また,CRが十分な歯は,CRが不十分な歯(37.2%)に比べ,歯周状態が有意に良好(83.2%)であった.また,CR が十分であり,かつ根面充填が十分である場合,AP の発生率は 21.6%となり,両パラメータが不十分な場合の AP の発生率(97%)と比較して有意に減少した.
RESULTS: The results showed that 53.1% of the endodontically treated teeth presented with AP radiographically. Incidence of AP among teeth with acceptable RCT (32.3%) was significantly lower than those suffering from unacceptable RCT (92.7%). Moreover, adequate CR demonstrated a significantly better periapical status (83.2%) compared to teeth with inadequate CR (37.2%). Also, the combination of adequate CR and adequate root filling resulted in significantly reduced incidence of AP (21.6%) compared to the presence of AP (97%) when both parameters scored as inadequate.
結果より,歯内療法を成功させるためには,RCT と CR が適切に行われることが重要であることが示された.したがって,口腔内・歯根膜の健康増進のためには,一般歯科診療における RCT と CR の質の大幅な向上が必要である.本論文の引用方法Khullar P, Raisingani D, Gupta S, Khatri RK.選択された集団における歯内療法を受けた歯の周囲状態に対する根管充填と歯冠修復の効果に関する調査報告。Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2013;6(2):89-94.
CONCLUSION: RESULTS hence demonstrated that a well-performed RCT and well-sealing CR are both essential for the overall success of endodontic treatment. Therefore, a considerable improvement in the quality of RCT and CR in general dental practice is required to promote oral/periapical health. How to cite this article: Khullar P, Raisingani D, Gupta S, Khatri RK. A Survey Report on Effect of Root Canal Fillings and Coronal Restorations on the Periapical Status of Endodontically Treated Teeth in a Selected Group of Population. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2013;6(2):89-94.