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Acta Odontol Scand.2015 Feb;73(2):101-6.


Influence of tooth length on the accuracy of the Root ZX electronic apical foramen locator: an ex vivo study.

PMID: 25299599




OBJECTIVE: Electronic apical foramen locators are now widely used to determine working length. This study was designed to determine whether tooth length influenced the accuracy of the Root ZX device.


長さ27~29mmの上顎犬歯40本を抜歯した。アクセス腔を準備し、カナルの冠状フレアリングを行った。歯根の先端3~4mm部分を除き、水平切開を容易にするために自己重合性アクリル樹脂に装着し、電子媒体としてアルジネートに埋入した。Root ZXを使用し、主要な孔の「ゼロ」値を電子計測し、実際の根管長と比較した。歯は歯冠基準点から3mmの位置で切断し、長さの短い第2グループを作成した。このような長さの短縮を全部で6回続け、40検体ずつ7グループを作成した。各グループの検体の実際の長さと電子的な長さを測定した。データはピアソンの相関係数で分析した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty extracted maxillary canine teeth with a length range of 27-29 mm were selected. Access cavities were prepared and coronal flaring of canals performed. The teeth were mounted in self-polymerizing acrylic resin to facilitate horizontal sectioning except for the apical 3-4-mm portion of the root and embedded in alginate as the electronic medium. Electronic measurements were taken at the major foramen, 'zero' reading using the Root ZX and compared with the actual root canal length. The teeth were sectioned 3 mm from the coronal reference point to create a second group with shorter length; these reductions in the length continued six times in all to create seven groups of 40 specimens each. The actual and electronic lengths of specimens in each group were measured. Data were analyzed by Pearson's correlation coefficient.


最長群から最短群までの実際の根管長と電子的根管長の同一測定値は、それぞれ12.5%、10.0%、20.0%、27.5%、37.5%、35.0%、45.0%であった。ルートZXの精密測定値と根管長との間には、7群間で軽度の負の相関が認められた(r = -0.964, p < 0.001)。

RESULTS: Identical measurements between the actual and electronic root canal length from the longest to the shortest groups were 12.5%, 10.0%, 20.0%, 27.5%, 37.5%, 35.0% and 45.0%, respectively. There was a mild negative correlation between the precise measurements of the Root ZX and root canal lengths in the seven groups (r = -0.964, p < 0.001).


本研究の条件下では、Root ZXは長い歯に比べ短い歯でより正確であった。

CONCLUSION: Under the conditions of the study, the Root ZX device was more accurate in shorter teeth compared to longer ones.