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Ear Nose Throat J.2015 Apr-May;94(4-5):E25-9.


Massive myiasis in an advanced metastatic neck tumor.

PMID: 25923281


頭頸部悪性腫瘍の患者における筋炎の症例はこれまでわずかしか報告されておらず,そのほとんどは原発性または転移性皮膚癌の患者において発生したものである.我々は,頸部リンパ節に転移した喉頭および下咽頭の原発性扁平上皮癌を有する57歳男性の頸部に発生した大量のLucilia sericata筋腫の症例を報告する.頸部疾患は壊死と皮膚病変を呈していた。臨床検査では,右側のレベルIIとVの頸部腫瘍内に広範な創があり,ウジ虫の幼虫が多量に侵入していることが判明した。幼虫群の除去を行い,分離された幼虫はL sericataと同定された。頸部リンパ節への転移にL sericata筋炎が侵入していたとの報告は,我々の知る限り初めてである。

Only a small number of cases of myiasis have been previously reported in patients with a head and neck malignancy; most of these occurred in patients with primary or metastatic skin cancer. We report a case of massive Lucilia sericata myiasis in the neck of a 57-year-old man with primary squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx and hypopharynx that metastasized to the neck lymph nodes. The neck disease manifested as necrosis and skin involvement. Clinical examination revealed an extensive wound within the neck tumor at levels II and V on the right that was heavily infested with maggot larvae. Removal of larvae clusters was performed, and the isolated larvae were subsequently identified as L sericata. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of an infestation of L sericata myiasis in a metastasis to the neck lymph nodes.