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J Prosthet Dent.2015 Sep;114(3):364-6.


Survival rate of lithium disilicate restorations at 4 years: A retrospective study.

PMID: 26050028



セラミック修復物は、審美的な要求と貴金属のコストが大幅に上昇したため、頻繁に埋入されている。セラミック修復物の主な欠点として、亀裂伝播による破壊が挙げられる。In vitroでの研究は臨床的意義が低く、in vivoでの研究は臨床的成功を裏付けるには短すぎる。

STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Ceramic restorations are frequently being placed due to the esthetic demand and the cost of noble metals that has increased considerably. One major disadvantage of ceramic restoration is failure of the material due to fracture by crack propagation. In vitro studies are of little clinical significance and in vivo studies are too short to support clinical success.



PURPOSE: The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate the failure rate of lithium disilicate restorations (monolithic and layered) at 4 years.



MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data were collected over 45 months from 2 commercial laboratories. Restorations were categorized into monolithic restorations and layered restorations. Each category was further classified into complete coverage single crowns, fixed dental prostheses, e.max veneers, and inlay/onlay restorations. Failure rates were compared and analyzed using Chi-square (α=.05).



RESULTS: A total of 21,340 restorations were evaluated in this study and included 15,802 monolithic restorations and 5538 layered restorations. The failure rate for single crown monolithic restorations was 0.91% and was 1.83% for single crown layered restorations. For fixed dental prostheses, 4.55% of monolithic restorations failed. For e.max veneers, 1.3% of monolithic veneers fractured and 1.53% of layered veneers fractured. Of the inlay/onlay restorations group, 1.01% of monolithic restorations fractured.


短期間(45ヶ月)では、二ケイ酸リチウム材料(IPS e.max)で作製した修復物は、比較的破折率が低かった。レイヤードシングルクラウンは、モノリシッククラウンの約2倍の割合で破折した。

CONCLUSION: In the short term (45 months), restorations fabricated with the lithium disilicate material (IPS e.max) had relatively low fracture rates. Layered single crowns fractured at approximately 2 times the rate of monolithic crowns.